Chapter 10

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After all the slaves were evacuated and all the loot was looted, Naruto followed Cordesh to the super secret Tok'ra hideout.

In fact, the base was so super secret that Cordesh didn't even let him see the symbols for the gate. Naruto could have told him that something like that wasn't going to stop him from finding the base if he really wanted to, but he'd let the Tok'ra feel special for a while longer.

Amusingly enough, the gawking looks from the other Tok'ra they passed on the way seemed to be even gawkier than the last time.

Cordesh eventually led him to a large cavern in the Tok'ra underground crystal tunnel system that smelled newly made and asked him to wait while he informed the council.

Naruto got bored of examining the room quite quick, since there was nothing of any interest in it except a table and tables weren't particularly interesting. Well, except for the fact that they were obviously using that table as a subtle mind game to make it clear who was in charge. They'd stand behind the table while he stood exposed in the middle of the room, creating the illusion of strength.

Well, if that's how they were going to be, then Naruto was going to play games too.

It was beyond easy to make the crystal form an ostentatious, elevated throne that would let him look down on them even while he was seated. Once it was finished, he settled himself into it with his best imperious look; leaned into the backrest, head high, one arm on the armrest and the other braced on the Kusanagi's hilt while its sheathed point rested on the ground.

The members of the Tok'ra High Council that were present on this particular base walked in not much later and were visibly shocked by his majestic presence. Or it could just have been the presence of the new chair. Either way, they stopped to gape and caused a rather humorous traffic jam at the entrance.

"Please, come in and seat yourselves." He invited magnanimously, his generous hospitality ruined only by the fact that he did not actually own the place.

Not giving them any time to react, he willed some more chairs to rise from the ground.

And by chairs, he meant stools. Shiny stools made of crystal, but still stools.

"How are you doing this?" One of the newly arrived Tok'ra asked in wonder, her host a very pretty young woman of possibly Persian descent. Adding to her general attractive appearance was the fact that unlike the other Tok'ra that wore modest clothing, she was wearing a rather tight dress made of some kind of synthetic leather with a plunging neckline and a skirt that cut off at mid thigh.

"I'm a god." Naruto answered with a grin. He hadn't been expecting eye candy on this trip.

They were clearly aggravated by his response as they slowly filed into the room, pointedly ignoring the stools he'd made for them. Naruto couldn't blame them, he wouldn't have sat on one of those either. They were practically designed to make you look like a child.

"Well, are you going to introduce yourselves or should I guess your names?" He prompted.

All of them except the previously noted eye candy scowled slightly at the way he had hijacked control of the situation. The as of yet unnamed eye candy was busy trying to divine the secret of how he'd made those stools.

"I am Garshaw, Grand Councilor of the Tok'ra." The most irritated looking of the Tok'ra introduced herself, her host a woman in her late middle ages with dirty blond hair.

"You have already met Thoran." She gestured to her side, indicating a dark skinned man.

"Nice tan, you used to be really pale." Naruto snickered.

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