Chapter 13

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Oma smiled to herself as Kazehana left. The Wind Sekirei was coming along nicely, her deeply hidden insecurities now much reduced. She'd even stopped drinking quite as much, though her love of alcohol and high places obviously wasn't going to ever vanish completely.

Oma hadn't expected to end up giving counseling to these Sekirei that Naruto had brought with him, but that was how it had turned out.

Her advice on the continued development of the Empire was no longer needed as much, though she did still offer it from time to time, but she was spending more time than ever on Erius.

This was due to the fact that her fellow ascended had been giving her the cold shoulder lately... well, more than what they normally did at any rate. They had never quite gotten over the fact that Naruto and Xanna were stomping all over their no intereference law and that they couldn't do anything about it. Naruto's infrequent visits to the Astral Plane just to cause some chaos didn't help and her own blatant involvement had caused their dispositions to steadily curdle over the past few centuries. It had gotten to the point where she was preferring to stay inside the physical body provided by either Naruto or Xanna instead of returning to the Astral Plane.

Not all of them were so bad though. Orlin for example, had seemed interested in what she was doing. Unfortunately, Orlin was currently exiled to Velona, a planet that now held only the ruins of a civilization that he had tried to protect from the Goa'uld. He had given them an advanced orbital weapon so that they would have the means to defend themselves.

He had misjudged the Velonans however, as they began using the weapon to conquer other worlds soon after.

In a display of callousness that showed just how much the Alterans had changed since their ascension, the others had destroyed the Velonan civilization and condemned Orlin to wander the ruins indefinitely, which he had been doing for the past century and a half.

It was hardly the first time that they had displayed this kind of behavior, as evidenced by the situation with Chaya Sar in the Pegasus galaxy. Punishing her for protecting a planet from the depredations of the Wraith by forcing her to remain there and then being petty by allowing her to protect only that one planet.

The Alterans had lost much of themselves during their time as ascended beings. Some more than others, but all had lost something. Oma had found herself relearning a great deal during these enforced stays in a mortal body. Though originally displeased by it, she had come to appreciate it.

Regardless of the reasons, she now spent months at a time in a physical body instead of only coming around to give advice. Naruto's repeated propositions and attempts to seduce her had even started becoming mildly amusing.

Particularly when she'd overheard a conversation by two of the masseuses in the palace.

One of them had been new and rather intimidated by Naruto's size and fearsome appearance. The older and more experienced one had comforted her by comparing him to a big dog. He might look scary, but the worst he would do was drool on you, possibly literally.

The horned man had surprised her however, when he had contrived a situation where she ended up giving counseling to Kazehana.

The Wind Sekirei had been merely curious to meet her, but Naruto had wanted to do something to help her with her feelings of loneliness and insecurity, so he had maneuvered them into an improvised sort of counseling session.

While she had been unprepared for it, Oma was fully capable of listening to the woes of a semi-drunk woman and offering some advice.

After that, he had brought others, many of whom had issues that he didn't know how to deal with.

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