chapter 4

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"Why do I feel like someone was in here last night?" Cora asked the next morning as she made a huge show of stretching and yawning.

"No- no one was in here last night," Brooklyn denied quickly.

Too quickly.

"Did something happen last night?" Cynthia asked with a yawn and Montana set up quicker than ever.

"Brookie- got anything to tell us?" she asked with a smirk.

"No!" Brooklyn denied quickly.

Again- too quickly.

"Is it cold in here? I think it's cold," she said trying to change the subject and wrapped her around herself. And- she got sudden chills.

"Eh- we'll get it out of her soon," Montana said to Cynthia and Cora with a wink.

I don't think so.


Brooklyn got chills again when she made accidental eye contact with Sirius during breakfast.

I don't think I'll be able to see him anytime soon.

Just too awkward.

He freaking saw me almost naked.

"Brookes," Cora said her name, and Brooklyn looked over at her Ravenclaw friends.

"Whatcha think?" she held up her book and it was decorated with Ravenclaw colors.

"It's a diary and I..."

She zoned off again thinking about what happened last night.


"Brookie," Chris said and Brooklyn turned around to see her two brothers.

"We need that map," Logan said sternly.

"No," Brooklyn said simply and turned around.

She walked into a wall- a person with a strong chest.

"Ow- watch it," she said and looked up to see it was Sirius.

"I think I was here first," he replied and ignored her frightened reaction. He had a calm face and acted like whatever he said to her last night didn't happen.

2 can play at that game.

"Just give us the map," James says.

Shoot- I'm cornered.

"I think.. I'm good," she says and they step closer to her.

Remus and Peter joined a few seconds later.

"Why's it a big deal?" she asks trying to make time.

"Because it was ours first," Sirius snorts. "And we made it," James added.

"Ok... I'll give you that," she shrugs.

She had the map back in her dormitory and had to stall them in case they figured it out.

"But you also used me so you wouldn't get in trouble," she said and winced.

Bad excuse.

She didn't know why but she felt like the map had answers that the boys hid from her. She always felt they snuck out and hid stuff from her. Plus it was fun getting them so worked up over a bloody map. 

"We already told you- Peter worded it wrong," Chris said, protesting.

"Sure," Brooklyn rolled her eyes.

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