chapter 12

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Check out the amazing song above ^^^


"Brookes!" Montana shook her awake and Brooklyn mumbled, "One more min-"

"You don't have one more minute! We have one day until the ball and no one has asked you yet!" Montana shouted in her ear and Brooklyn jumped out of bed in surprise.

"Ok, let's get you ready," Cora said but Brooklyn shook her head.

"I don't want a date," she simply stated while changing into her normal shirt and jeans. The other girls were already ready and Cora was holding her makeup bag. She quietly put it away with a grimace.

"But everyone going has a date," Montana pouted as she pulled her hair into a messy bun.

"I think I'll be fine without one," Brooklyn replied, waving it off.


"Hey, Brooklyn,"

Brooklyn turned around and saw who called her name.

Leo Stiles.

Leo's in Ravenclaw and he's pretty popular. He's the Keeper for the quidditch team and he's a sixth-year. He had brown hair that's wavy and dimples whenever he smiled. He had deep blue eyes that were intense and girls always talked about how much they love staring at them. He was pretty cute but Brooklyn only talked to him a few times. They got along pretty well.

"Hey, Leo," she said, her face flushing red.

She saw Montana smirk at her and she mentally facepalmed.

Oh no.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Slughorn's party with me?" he mumbled nervously and Brooklyn almost laughed with relief.

She thought it was going to be something more serious.

"Of course," she chuckled.

"I was hoping it could be more than friend-wise," he shrugged slightly and Brooklyn wondered how much nervous a popular guy could get.


"D'you want to be my date to the ball?" he asked again and Brooklyn blushed again.

"Yeah," she laughed and Leo laughed as well.

"I'll see you then? It's tomorrow," he added and Brooklyn nodded.

"See you then,"


"Stop screaming," Brooklyn groaned once she had told Montana, Cora, Cynthia, and Lily she had just got a date for the ball. They were walking down the corridor to the Great Hall. They were late so nobody else was around and they were free to joke around as loudly as they wished.

"We can't! It's your first date!" Lily squealed and Brooklyn looked around, hoping no one was around to hear.

"What if he tries to kiss you!" Cora started squealing with delight.

"Stop being such pigs," Brooklyn muttered.

"Wait- you never kissed someone before," Montana stopped and Brooklyn almost ran into her.

"That's right," Brooklyn answered even though it wasn't a question.

"It's easy- like common sense," Cynthia assured her. "You'll be fine,"

"I don't think he'll want to kiss me," Brooklyn replied.

"Shut up- he's lucky enough we're letting you go with him," Montana said with a scoff.

"What do you mean?" Brooklyn's smile turned into a frown.

"We need to be careful of who we let our young girl go out with," Cora said with a smug smile. "Our sweet, innocent, pure, girl," she stroked Brooklyn's hair but Brooklyn wiped Cora's hand away with a scowl.

"Stop treating me like a baby," Brooklyn muttered and shot them a glare.

"Your our baby!" the girls chorused and started cooing over Brooklyn and Leo.

"Brookie is our baaaaby," Montana sang loudly. Lily and Cora started joining in and they were singing off-key.

Brooklyn looked around the corridor to make sure no one overheard them.

Nobody else was around and Brooklyn relaxed.

She missed someone who just so happened to be passing by, hidden by the darkness.

Sirius Black had overheard them and couldn't help but smirk.

"So she never kissed someone before?" he murmured to himself.

Made a short chapter so the next chapter will be full of tea


Chapter finished: 11/5/2020

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