chapter 5

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"Lily?" Brooklyn asked when she saw her best friend in her dormitory.

"Brookie," she said and Brooklyn saw that her eyes were bloodshot- and she was sniffling silently.

She'd been crying.

"What happened?" she asked her.

"N-nothing," Lily sniffed and a tear rolled down her cheek. Brooklyn wiped it off gently for her and studied her best friend. Her tie was knotted messily- not like her usual style. And her lipstick was smudged.

"Lil!" Logan's voice rang and the pair turned around to face him.

His tie was knotted messily too and his hair was messier than usual.

Brooklyn put the two in two.

"No," she muttered repeatedly, not wanting to believe it.

"Brookie," they both said and she shook her head.

"Wait-" she said, stopping them. "Let's do this in my dormitory," she added after taking a deep breath.

They nodded and Brooklyn solved the riddle in one second needed to get inside the Ravenclaw common room.

"What the bloody hell? My brother fucking my best friend? That's totally barbaric!" Brooklyn started her rant once they were locked in her dormitory.

Cora, Cynthia, & Montana were at the library getting some homework done so they had their privacy now.

"It wasn't for a long time, Brookie," Lily sniffed and Brooklyn felt bad.

She didn't hold grudges for a long time because she always forgave the person.

Everyone deserves another chance, right?

Logan had a frantic expression on his face and Brooklyn just knew he was hiding something from her and Lily.

"What are you hiding from us?" she demanded, glaring at him.

"Lily asked me out while we were fucking and I said no and I ended things with her before we could go ahead," he blurted out and Lily sniffed again.

She wasn't the type to cry over a boy and Brooklyn reached out to hug her and shot her so-called brother a glare.

"Why? If you two were... that close- why did you end things with her?"

"Don't talk about me as if I'm not here," Lily mumbled and Brooklyn hugged her best friend tighter and muttered an apology.

"Logan- tell me why you ended things with sweet Lil," Brooklyn said with a glare.

"I- I can't say..." he said and looked truly sorry.

Fake ass son of a-

"You-" she started but took a deep breath.

"Can we never talk about this again?" Lily said.

"Yeah," Logan and Brooklyn agreed after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm gonna go- I have a ton of homework," Lily muttered and Brooklyn hugged her once more. She and Logan watched her leave and Brooklyn turned to her brother. She quickly slammed the door shut before starting her rant.

"How dare you leave Lily? She's a fucking angel!"

"Brookie, calm down-"

"You have no right to call me that and you have no right to hurt my best friend. Lil doesn't cry over boys but she did over you- d'you know what that means?" Brooklyn spat at him.

"Brookie- please listen to me," he begged.


"I only ended things with her because James liked her first and I thought we were just fucking around," he sighed.

"Blimey- I know he fancies her but I didn't know it's been a while," Brooklyn replied.

"I didn't want him getting mad- I didn't know she liked me like that," he looked defeated.

"I'm only forgiving you because you're my brother,"

"And we were born on the same day," he added.

"Screw you- now leave," she said and pointed at the exit.

"Can you talk to her for me- I don't reckon she'll want to see me any time soon,"

"If I don't want to see you- I don't think she wants to either," Brooklyn replied.

"That's what I thought," he sighed and walked out.

Brooklyn sighed and wrapped herself with one of Montana's many fuzzy blankets.


"What's going on?" Montana's voice rang and Brooklyn shrugged. She was still wrapped around the blanket.

"Tired," she lied.

Not exactly a lie- I am tired but I have other things to worry about than my lack of sleep.

"Wanna cuddle with me until we fall asleep?" Montana offered.

Brooklyn thought for a second and gave in. She made room for Montana and put her head on her lap. She felt Montana stroke her hair and snuggled closer to her friend.

"Night, M,"

"Night, Brookes,"


Brooklyn's eyes snapped open and Montana jumped out of bed.

"Another howl?" Cora mumbled and yawned. "Yup," Cynthia mumbled in her sleep but got out of bed anyway.

"Lumos," Montana said and the tip of her wand lit up. Cynthia opened the curtains.

"Fuck- it's still too dark," Montana murmured and muttered a spell for the light to go out.

"Let's go back to sleep," Cora suggested but Brooklyn didn't feel like going back to bed.

She wanted to know who- or what- was making the howl.

It's obviously a werewolf but there are none in the Forbidden Forest. It has to be someone either scaring us or someone at Hogwarts is a werewolf...

***Note- The boys haven't told Brooklyn that Remus is a werewolf! Sorry if I haven't made it clear.

Chapter finished: 11/3/2020

Elections today- kinda nervous.

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