chapter 8

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"Whew- that party was something," Montana whispered as she fanned herself with her hand. Brooklyn had the feeling she was dancing most of the time. 

"Yeah, it really was," she agreed and her smile faltered but Montana didn't notice. 

She and Sirius agreed not to tell anyone about what happened at the party. They didn't need to worry about it- she was safe and that's all that mattered. Besides, Logan and Chris wouldn't have rested until they beat the crap out of the wizard anyway. 

"A bottle of water," Brooklyn said, answering the riddle. 

The eagle nodded and Montana followed Brooklyn to their dormitory. 


"Woah," Montana said and Brooklyn had a shocked reaction on her face. 

There they were- Cora & Cynthia. 


Well.. they were kissing and cuddling more like it. 

"Girls!" Cora gasped and pulled apart from Cynthia. Cynthia started blushing furiously. 

"Wh- what's going on? You got anything to tell us?" Montana asks and wiggles an eyebrow. Brooklyn sits on her bed, glad to have a distraction from what happened at the party. 

"We have something to tell you," Cora takes a deep breath and Cynthia gives her a soft smile. 

"I'm bisexual!" she says and Brooklyn squeals as Montana's jaw drops.

"NO WAY!" she screams and she and Brooklyn embrace Cora- and Cynthia- in a big hug. 

"And I'm lesbian," Cynthia's voice comes out muffles because she's still part of the big hug. 

Another round of excited squeals. 

"I just asked Cyn out actually," Cora said as Montana went back to her bed to change into her night clothes. 

"I'm guessing she said yes," Brooklyn said as she struggled to unxip her dress. 

Sirius must've zipped it up too high. 

"Let me help you," Montana said and unzipped her dress for her. Brooklyn thanked her as she unclipped her bra. 

"I did," Cynthia piped up and shared a cheesy grin at her girlfriend. 

"I'm so here for it," Brooklyn said as she changed into her sweatpants and shirt.

Montana nodded violently. 

"How did you know you were...?" Brooklyn asked and felt bad for asking. 

Am I being too rude?

"Blimey- I'm sorry- that was rude," she rambled. 

"No- it's alright. It was complicating for me- not gonna lie, I was scared at first about what you guys would say," Cora said with her grin faltering. 

Brooklyn nodded and waited for her to continue. 

"But then Cyn told me she knows how I feel and we came out to each other," she went on and Brooklyn couldn't help but grin. 

"That's so adorable," Montana cooed.

And she never did something like that. 

"Is she drunk? Please tell me she's not drunk," Cynthia said looking at her friend. 

"I had like three butterbeers- I am not drunk," Montana said and walked in a straight line. 

"You guys act like I can't be over the moon that 2 of my best friends came out and are now dating," she added sarcastically. 

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