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Lila's POV

"Please oh please
I don't know what you're saying
When you look at me
Your body speaks a language
I can barely read
Give into me baby
Oh, my knees are weak
My heart rate is increasing

You tell me slow down before you hurt yourself
Fallin' way too hard's a hazard to your health

Up, up and away
Oh, baby when you say my name
Oh, when you say name
Oh, when you say my, say my"

I scream the lyrics as loud as my voice lets me, ignoring the startled and weird looks people are giving me. Gosh, can't they just let me jam out to my song in peace, alone, this once, while I'm parked in a spot, in front of the huge mall. Is that so much to ask for?

Even if it is, apparently, a lot to ask for, I keep jamming out to my song until it ends. Afterwards, I take a swig of my water bottle as I huff out of breath. I need to exercise.

I climb out of my car and lock it. My walk to the entrance of the mall is short and soon I find myself surrounded by shops. I glance around the shops debating on which one to go into first. I came to buy clothes and maybe a Halloween costume for tomorrow and I still haven't decided on what to dress up as.

Should I dress up as a pumpkin? That's what Reiko called me and continued calling me for the rest of the day yesterday and I was honestly internally squealing the whole day. Should I dress up like a witch? I think they're pretty cool. A vampire? A werewolf? Woah, imagine being a werewolf. That would be so cool.

But all of those costumes are so overrated and pumpkins only look cute on little kids. My shoulders slump in defeat. I don't want to seem childish by wearing a fucking pumpkin costume.

I look over to a clothing shop, the large pictures of little kids further disappointing me. Maybe I'll dress up as a garbage can.

I sigh and walk into a random shop. My ears pick up the loud laughs and I watch two little kids running around dressed like Iron Man and Captain America. They're giggling and battling against each other, jumping behind mannequins and counters of clothes while making shooting noises and shooting at each other playfully.

WHY? Why did Endgame fuck me up in every way possible?!

I laugh when one little kid falls on his face but he groans and gets up again before looking over at me.

My eyes widen. "Look little man, I didn't mean to laugh."

He doesn't listen and continues staring at me with a mischievous look. I take small steps back when he charges at me. I screech and prepare for little demon scratches but all he does is hold onto my overalls and hide behind me. I stare in shock as he shushes me and soon I find myself tackled to the floor by two little demon children.

"Hey, you two little brats! Get off that boy before I really give you some ass whooping." An older lady yells and I think I'm going crazy, but she sounds just like Nora.

"Yes, Aunt Macey." The two kids scramble to their feet and honestly look ready to go into war more than scared.

Macey huffs. "That's what I thought. You good kid? The demons didn't scratch you or anything?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"No, ma'am. They were just playing."

"Just playing. They're always just playing until they beat another kid up." She mumbles the last part to herself and I look at the kids in surprise. Two six year olds, or it seems, beating another kid up? Why and how?

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