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Reiko's POV

"Why are you covered in mud?"

I lift my head to look at the student council president, Vance Hemington. His dark brown hair is swept to the side messily and his usual attentive posture is relaxed and slumped. He wears a gray hoodie that is twice his size with some black joggers and I have to step back when the possessive stench of his boyfriend radiates off him. He doesn't realize, though, and wears the clothes without a care in the world.

"I was working." I say quickly as I think back to the training and patrolling I've been doing since morning. Now it was three in the afternoon and I was ready to just drop dead but I had to come and study for school with Vance. I had told him a couple of weeks ago that my grades were the epitome of awful and asked for tutoring, which he agreed to under the condition that I don't tell anyone that he's dating Jesse Conners-a guy three years older than him-after I found them making out in his car.

Not like I was thinking of sharing that piece of information. I know how to act blind, deaf, and mute when need be. Besides, Jesse would chop my balls off if I even made Vance cry for something insignificant. That's how the mate bond works. Protect and make your mate happy no matter what. And I'm pretty sure getting into a fight with the Third in Command of the Silver Blaze Pack would end in a bloody bath.

Vance nods and opens the door further to let me in. I kick off my shoes and follow him to the dining room where I've been spending most of my weekends in. While on the way, I take the time to admire his house once again. The rooms are coated in warm colors that advocate a homey vibe and the atmosphere is so nice I kind of wish I lived here just so I could wake up to the feeling. Ha, as if Jesse would ever allow that. The furniture is simple but elegant and we sit across from each other before taking out the necessary materials.

"Hey, sweetheart. I'm going to the grocery store to buy som-Hey, Reiko! I see you're here for tutoring." Vance's mom enters the kitchen and gives us a wide gummy smile.

"Yes, ma'am, I am." I nod making her laugh with a shake of her head.

"Well, okay boys. I'll leave you to your studying." She says as she ruffles Vance's head in an affectionate way, which seems different with the way Vance tenses below her touch.

"Yeah, mom." Vance forces a smile that falls as soon as she disappears around the corner. We wait until the sound of her car turning on is heard and he releases a sigh.

"Alright. Now that Mom is out of hearing shot. Is Jesse back in town?" Vance asks eagerly though he tries to hide it with a serious face.

"Not yet," I sigh as I think of the rogues trespassing pack lands. It's been more frequent these past few months and doesn't seem to be stopping soon. Alpha Montez is out having meetings with other packs, Jesse accompanying him, while our Beta takes care of the pack in the meantime. This week's been stressful on the whole pack but everyone is in high spirits since Alpha Montez announced his return next week. "He said he'll be back next week. Why don't you call him?"

Vance sucks on his lip in thought before his cheeks tint pink. "I've called him everyday since he left three days ago. I don't want to tire him with my voice. He's probably annoyed by now."

I laugh as I think of Jesse calling me a couple of times, demanding that I check up on Vance because he hasn't called. "I'm sure Jesse is dying to hear your voice right now."

"You think?"

I nod and he sighs with a smile. Soon enough, he helps me with my math homework as we have a test on Monday about the unit. I tell him the sections I didn't understand for History and I'm surprised he doesn't get annoyed and hasn't screamed in frustration at my stupidity. It's not like I try to be stupid, it's just that I naturally am. I'm trying to improve this flaw though, and I think it's working as my grades have improved slightly since I last checked. After a few hours, I pack up and thank Vance for his help. He nods in understanding and tells me to come ask for help when I don't understand anything and I convince him to call Jesse before leaving and heading home. I'm so glad I had Vance agree to help me because I know if I didn't improve my grades, I would be stuck another year in highschool and that is the least that I want.

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