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It was July 13th, 1996. The summer had been normal for Ellie. Her mother hadn't suspected that Ellie was hurt during her time at Hogwarts, let alone dead for a moment. If she had found out, her mother would most certainly not allow Ellie to return to school.

Mrs. Weasley had been adamant about letting Ellie stay at the Burrow for the summer. She had even sent a letter to Ellie's mother, explaining how safer she would be in the hands of an entire family, rather than a non-practicing witch. After a week of strict no's, Ellie's mother finally gave in, wanting to clean up the hundreds of letters in her entryway. Ellie was happy for the most part, but still felt guilty about leaving her mother all alone.

Ellie arrived at the Weasley's front door at midnight, as advised by Mrs. Weasley for safety, trudging along her heavy trunk. She was immediately greeted by Molly, who hugged her tightly.

"Ellie, dear! You're finally here! How have you been?" Mrs. Weasley asked with her usual jolly appearance.

"I'm good, Mrs. Weasley. And you?" Ellie replied politely.

"Just trying to keep up with the boys, as always."

Ellie chuckled softly and began to scan the room. She began to greet the others with warm smiles. Ellie's eyes caught familiar brown ones as she watched as Hermione came downstairs. It was clear that she was fighting the urge to sleep, but smiled widely as she saw the Hufflepuff. Hermione ran over to Ellie, nearly knocking her over with her embrace. Ellie laughed as she hugged Hermione, inhaling the smell of coffee and parchment.

"Hey, Hermione," Ellie greeted warmly.

"Hey, Ellie."

"Want to go for a walk?" Ellie asked abruptly, wanting to be alone with her girlfriend.

Hermione looked to Mrs. Weasley for permission. She nodded, allowing her to go with Ellie.

Hermione followed Ellie out the door as a cool breeze made their skin erupt with goosebumps. Hermione chattered slightly, causing Ellie to notice.

"You must be freezing, love. Here, take my sweater." Ellie proceeded to pull her sweater over her head and handed it to Hermione. Hermione thanked her silently, immediately pulling her girlfriend's sweater over her, warming her body.

The two started to walk further from the house and into the fields. Ellie wrapped her arm over Hermione's shoulder, pulling her close to her. They slowed their pace as Hermione wrapped her arm around Ellie's waist. Ellie placed a loving kiss on Hermione's forehead, making her girlfriend blush.

"How are you, gorgeous?" Ellie asked lovingly.

"Never better," Hermione replied with a smile. "I missed you, love."

"I missed you too. I've been wanting to visit, but I've been caught up with other... things." Ellie thought about the summer job she had taken to help her mother financially. Although the promotion was enough to get them out of the struggle zone, Ellie offered to take up a job to pay for own new textbooks and robes she had outgrown. Her job wasn't ideal, being that it required constant lifting and standing, but it made her money.

Hermione looked to Ellie with a dissatisfied expression. "And those 'things' include you wrestling a dragon?"

Hermione took Ellie's other hand from her side, inspecting the calluses on her palms.

"How did you know?" Ellie asked sarcastically.

Hermione scoffed, but held Ellie's battered hand in her own.

"What have you been up to?" Hermione asked softly.

"Just helping my mom with some things," Ellie replied, not wanting to give further detail.

Hermione sighed, knowing the exact reason. She turned to Ellie, turning the Hufflepuff to face her.

"My love..." Hermione brought her hand up to Ellie's cheek, cradling it. "Why are you doing this to yourself? You know we can help- I can help you."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ellie lied, trying to brush it off.

Hermione didn't believe it, but decided to let go of the conversation before it escalated any further. Hermione brought Ellie's face to hers, kissing her gently. Ellie smiled into the kiss while she brought both hands to Hermione's waist, pulling her closer. The kiss was slow, yet so full of love and passion. Hermione pulled away, her hands cupping Ellie's face.

"Goodness, Ellie... I could kiss you all day..." Hermione gasped.

Ellie smiled, getting a good look at Hermione's face, illuminated by the moonlight. Her face showed tiredness, with slight dark spots forming under her eyes. Ellie brought her finger to Hermione's chin, tilting it to get a better view.

"Haven't been sleeping?" Ellie asked gently.

"Mrs. Weasley told us you were coming last night. I couldn't sleep until I knew you made it safely," Hermione replied, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm flattered. But I need you to take care of yourself, okay? No questions asked," Ellie replied rather sternly, but still looked at Hermione with loving eyes.

Hermione knew there was no point in arguing. She nodded with a smile.

"Come here, gorgeous," Ellie smirked, pulling Hermione's lips back to connect with her own. Ellie increased the pace, causing Hermione to grip her shirt tightly. Within seconds, Ellie broke away, leaving Hermione confused.

"W-What was that?" Hermione asked breathlessly, wanting more.

"It was... enough. You'll get more later. After you sleep, of course," Ellie replied with a wink.

"Come on, let's head back." Ellie intertwined their fingers together as they started their slow walk back to the Burrow.

Hermione spoke up. "Ellie... about that letter. The one you gave back."


Hermione seemed nervous, her cheeks becoming more flushed.

"Well... you told me that anything in that letter could be said out loud," Hermione paused, looking at her girlfriend nervously.

"I want us to be public," Hermione announced rather abruptly.

Ellie raised an eyebrow, not sure if Hermione was making the best decision.

"And why is that?"

"Love... when I thought you died, I was in a really bad place. I had a lot of regrets. And honestly, the one thing I regret the most was not being able to tell the world you were mine and how much you meant to me. And all I want... is for us to be open," Hermione replied. She seemed to be a lot more calmer as a weight lifted from her chest.

There was a moment of silence as Ellie pondered over Hermione's words.

"Before you say anything, I know you're not out. I'm not either. And I know how people are going to react-"

"If you know, then why do we need to be out?" Ellie interrupted.

"Because all I see is you, love. I don't see myself with anyone else. I just want to be able to show everyone that you're mine..." Hermione trailed.

"Look... I don't know..." Ellie said hesitantly.

"We won't have to sneak around to kiss each other," Hermione added with a smile, in hopes of convincing her girlfriend.

Ellie took a deep sigh, stopping Hermione just a few meters from the Burrow. "One condition: We tell our friends first. And I decide when, okay?"

Hermione's lips curled into a smile. Sincere happiness flooded over her as she pulled Ellie's face to her, kissing her happily.

Ellie laughed, kissing her back. "Come on, let's head inside."

Ellie tugged Hermione's hand, leading them inside the warm and cozy home. They made their way upstairs to Ginny's room to get ready for bed.

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