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December 25th, 1996.

Ellie awoke with Hermione sleeping soundly next to her. Christmas was one of the only days Ellie would even bother waking up early. Although she never expected any presents, she still enjoyed knowing her friends were happy. She excitedly brushed her teeth and returned to find Hermione still sleeping. She placed a kiss on her forehead and gently shook her awake.

"My love, it's Christmas!" Ellie whispered excitedly.

Being the morning person she was, Hermione immediately arose and went to freshen up. After she returned to her girlfriend, Ellie brought her in for a slow, passionate kiss.

"Let's get breakfast," Ellie pulled away with a smile.

Ellie and her mother entered the living room at the same time with the same shocked expression. The Christmas tree that was bare just the night before was now decorated with extravagant decorations, complete with a toy train chugging around the living room. The tree held beautiful yellow and burgundy ornaments, with fake snow dusted on its branches.

Ellie and Amelia's eyes twinkled in wonder as they stepped into the magical living room. Ellie immediately turned around to Hermione who was smiling widely despite the tiredness in her eyes. Ellie ran to Hermione and hugged her, nearly knocking her over.

"You did all this?" Ellie asked excitedly.

"It was the least I could do. I was up all night, hence the tiredness," Hermione replied sleepily.

Amelia came to Hermione and hugged her tightly in gratitude.

"Well, what are we waiting for? It's presents time!" Hermione said excitedly.

Hermione approached the tree to pull out a large box from behind it, hidden from view.

"Go on, love. Take a seat," Hermione gestured to the couch as she hauled the box to the coffee table.

"It's for you," Hermione said with a wide smile to Ellie.

"I told you not to get me anything," Ellie reminded with a displeased look.

"Just open it, already."

Ellie hesitantly started to peel off the wrapping paper. It was an ordinary box, not bounded by tape. She opened the flaps to see a set of Hufflepuff Quidditch practice uniforms along with a used set of leather Seeker gloves. Engraved on the glove's palm were the initials C.D.

"These were Cedric's... how'd you get them?" Ellie asked breathlessly.

"I've been in contact with Amos," Hermione replied simply.

"Thank you," Ellie whispered as she embraced Hermione tightly.

Hermione broke away from the embrace to retrieve another neatly-wrapped box from behind the the tree. She approached Ellie's mother.

"Here, this one's for you," Hermione said with a smile as she handed the small box to Amelia.

Amelia looked shocked as she reluctantly opened the box. Inside was a porcelain tea set decorated with many different types of flowers that magically snaked around the cup.

Ellie's mother gasped in surprise as she held the fragile items in her hands.

"It's beautiful, Hermione. Thank you," Amelia thanked as she embraced the young Gryffindor.

"Also, Ellie, you received a lot more presents from our friends," Hermione noted.

Ellie began to open every present that was brought out to her, with more joy with each one. She received a Quidditch cleaning kit from Harry, an Auto-Answer quill from Ron, and 15 Galleons worth of store credit to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes from Fred and George. Luna had given her a hand-made friendship places, Neville had given her a book on plants, and an anonymous person had given her an expensive-looking wax stamp engraved with her initials, one Ellie assumed to be from Draco.

Ellie had gifted her mother a jersey from Quality Quidditch Supplies with their last name and the number 05 on the back. Ellie had also gifted Hermione a leather bookmark embellished with her name and Gryffindor colors, handcrafted carefully by an expert hired by Ellie.

The rest of Christmas day consisted of baking vanilla cookies, much to Ellie's pleasure and telling hilarious stories of when Ellie was younger. At about 11 p.m, Ellie's mother had retired to bed and Hermione and Ellie were left alone in the living room.

Hermione stood up from the couch and withdrew her wand. She transfigured an ornament into a mistletoe and hung it on the ceiling. She stood underneath it as she outstretched her hand for Ellie.

Ellie smiled as she stood up, stepping close to her girlfriend.

"It's tradition people kiss under the mistletoe," Hermione said softly as she pulled her girlfriend closer, resting her hands at her waist.

"Let's hope it's not infested with Nargles," Ellie replied.

Hermione laughed in confusion. "What are those?"

"Nevermind," Ellie replied light-heartedly.

Together, the two of them kissed under the mistletoe, their lips savoring each other. Ellie's hands rested at Hermione's cheek and in her hair as Hermione's rested at her hips. After a few moments of soft kisses, Ellie pulled away. She walked to the record player and set down a vinyl on the turntable. Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" started to play as Ellie approached her girlfriend with a smile.

"May I have this dance?" Ellie asked, offering her hand.

"Of course," Hermione agreed as a slight blush formed on her cheeks.

They danced slowly, wrapped in each other's embrace. The smiles on their faces were wide with happiness, their cheeks tinted to a rosy red. They lay their head on each other's shoulder until the song came to an end.

"I'm tired," Ellie muttered as she continued to embrace her girlfriend.

"Do you want me to take you to your room?" Hermione offered.

"I can manage," Ellie replied.

Hermione took Ellie by the hand and guided her to her room. She laid on Ellie's bed with her arms outstretched, gesturing for her to lay there. Ellie sleepily laid in Hermione's arms, snuggling her head in the crook of her neck. Hermione held her as she began to run her fingers through Ellie's hair, massaging her scalp gently.

After 20 minutes of silence and assuming Ellie had fallen asleep, Hermione spoke up quietly.

"Ellie, darling..." Hermione hummed as she placed a kiss on her head.

"Every Christmas... every birthday... every holiday... every day... I want to spend it with you," Hermione said softly. "For the rest of my life, I want to be with you."

Ellie was half-asleep. Having heard Hermione's words, she smiled subtly. Being too tired to say anything back, Ellie placed a small kiss on Hermione's neck in response. Ellie's reaction shocked Hermione, as she assumed she was asleep. Hermione blushed madly as she placed a kiss on her girlfriend's forehead.

"I love you, Ellie," Hermione whispered as she brought her girlfriend closer.

The lovers eventually fell asleep, entangled in each other's arms on the snowy night.

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