Slug Club

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Ten students sat at a round table, with mounds of ice cream in front of them. Slughorn sat at one of the chairs, looking at those around him. It was only two weeks after Katie's mishap, and Slughorn decided to band together nine of his most favorite students. Seated at the table were Blaise Zabini, Cormac McLaggen, Flora and Hestia Carrow, Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ellie, and two other boys.

Ellie sat in between Hermione and Neville, facing Slughorn, Cormac and Blaise. Harry sat on Hermione's left side as Ellie sat on her right. Slughorn made conversation as the students began eating their ice cream.

"So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?"

"Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the minister of magic for the holidays," Cormac replied.

"Well, be sure to give them both my best."

Slughorn turned to face another boy, this time a Ravenclaw.

"What about your uncle, Belby? For those of you who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane potion. Is he working on anything new?"

"Don't know. Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because my dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day," the boy replied hastily, too busy stuffing his face with ice cream to even look up once.

"What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the muggle world?"

Ellie put down her spoon to giver her full attention to her girlfriend.

"My parents are dentists."

The group went quiet, unknowing of what dentists were.

"They tend to people's teeth."

"Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?" Slughorn inquired, leaning his hands forward in interest.

"No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches," Hermione laughed.

Ellie gave a smile to Hermione as she picked up her spoon to take another bite of her vanilla ice cream. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal a familiar red-head, dressed nicely in a dark colored dress.

"Ah, Miss Weasley. Come in, come in," Slughorn invited, gesturing to the table.

"Look at her eyes. They've been fighting again, her and Dean," Hermione whispered.

Ginny took an empty seat as Harry stood up momentarily to acknowledge her presence. "Sorry. I'm not usually late."

"No matter. You're just in time for dessert, that is, if Belby's left you any."

Slughorn turned to face Ellie now. "And you, Miss Evans. How's your mother doing? Adjusting to London all right?"

"She's doing fine, sir. And we've adjusted here rather quickly. It's much different from living in America," Ellie answered politely.

"Very different indeed. How come you never attended Ilvermorny? I hear it's a fine wizarding school over there."

"Don't really know. I think my mom had trouble with letting be on my own after my dad died. Plus, I think it'd only make sense for me to attend Hogwarts since both my parents attended. I do get odd looks though; growing up in America gave me their accent, while my parents still kept their British accents."

"Yes, your accent is quite unique here. I don't think an American has ever attended Hogwarts before. You just might be the first," Slughorn replied.

There was a moment of silence as Ellie took another bite of her ice cream. She set her spoon down to speak.

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