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Hermione brought Ellie up to her room, ignoring the stares of the Hufflepuff students as she crossed the lively and bright yellow common room. Luckily, Ellie's roommates were gone, allowing for Hermione to scold Ellie privately. Hermione guided Ellie to sit on one of the desk chairs and stood over her, her hands placed on her hips. She silenced the room with a spell before opening her mouth.

"Ellie Evans, what the bloody hell was that back there?!" Hermione raised her voice as she stood over her girlfriend, towering in assertiveness.

"He deserved it," Ellie muttered as she avoided eye contact and rubbed her red knuckles with her hand.

"That gives you no right to treat him like that! What the bloody hell were you thinking?!" Hermione screeched.

Ellie looked up to her girlfriend with a blaze of passion. "And let him treat you like that? I will not let my girlfriend get talked to like that."

"But you could have gotten yourself hurt. Or in trouble, even! Ellie, darling, what were you doing?" Hermione pushed, her voice toning down a little bit.

"Protecting you. That's what I was doing," Ellie replied, now staring into Hermione's eyes.

"I'm not the one who needs protecting..." Hermione said in a lower voice.

Ellie simply looked back down at her hand, wincing as she grazed her hand at the broken skin from the impact. Hermione took notice and crouched down to Ellie's position. Her face softened as she saw a slight swelling forming on her girlfriend's knuckles, with a smear of blood on it. She grabbed Ellie's hand and held it in with the palms of both her hands.

"Ellie, love. Why do you do this to yourself?" Hermione asked in a much more gentle tone than earlier.

Ellie used her non-injured hand to tuck away a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear. She traced her hand to caress Hermione's cheek, making her smile slightly.

"I do it for you, darling. Plus, it felt pretty damn good to get a go at him. I've been waiting for that moment ever since we visited Fred and George's shop," Ellie replied, chuckling softly at herself.

Whatever anger and tension was between the two was now gone. Hermione tried to stifle a giggle but was unsuccessful. Her cheeks turned a rosy red as she leaned in to give a short kiss to her girlfriend. Hermione broke away after a few seconds, and proceeded to stand up, using Ellie's knees as leverage.

"Let me fix that up for you," Hermione offered, taking her wand out from her pocket.

Still seated on the chair, Ellie watched as Hermione magically mended the broken skin with a flick of her wand. Within seconds, Ellie's hand was as good as new. Ellie examined it as she mumbled a "thank you" to the Gryffindor.

This next scene contains mature content. If you are not comfortable, please skip ahead to the next chapter.

Hermione gave a small smile. "I'm parched. You have anything here I can drink?"

Before Ellie could answer, Hermione reached behind Ellie to grab the small vial of clear liquid sitting on her desk. She took off the cork and chugged the entirety of its contents.

"Ah, that feels better," Hermione sighed as she set the vial back down on the desk.

"Hermione..." Ellie trailed with a concerned expression.


"What did you just drink?" Ellie asked as she turned around to see the empty vial on her desk.

"It was water... right?"

Ellie's face turned into shock as she picked up the small vial.

"That was not water!"

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