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It was September 12, 1996, just a few days before the Gryffindor Quidditch trials. At just before sundown, Ellie had taken Hermione out to a walk around the courtyards. It wasn't long before they stopped by a blanket and a picnic basket secluded in the shadows of a large tree.

"Surprise!" Ellie exclaimed with a wide grin.

"You did this for me?" Hermione asked with an appreciative expression. "What's the occasion?"

Ellie took a seat on the blanket, patting down the spot next to her.

"There's no occasion. I just wanted to surprise you. But yes, darling. All of this is for you," Ellie replied with a warm smile, placing her hand on Hermione's.

"Ellie... Thank you..." Hermione breathed.

Their location was especially lucky, as the setting sun hit their skin while not a single student could see them.

Hermione moved her hand to Ellie's face and brought their lips together for a long and slow kiss. The pace quickened as Ellie placed a hand under Hermione's button-down. Hermione moaned quietly at the warm touch. Ellie began to climb on top of Hermione, pushing her down on the blanket. She began to move her lips to Hermione's neck, latching onto the soft skin with her teeth. She began to suck slowly, leaving a splatter of red and purple bruises along her skin.

Ellie began to unbutton Hermione's shirt all the way down, but kept it on her body and pushed the fabric to the sides, leaving her torso exposed to the warm sun. Ellie immediately rose from her body, leaving Hermione breathless and cold from the sudden loss of heat. Hermione propped herself up on her elbows, her expression that of disappointment.

"What was that, love?" Hermione asked, seeming slightly irritated.

"Nothing," Ellie replied simply and proceeded to open the picnic basket, taking out a variety of sweets.

"Well, aren't you going to finish?" Hermione asked gesturing to her nearly bare torso.

"Nope," Ellie replied with a smile, and proceeded to take a bite of a vanilla cookie.

Hermione stared at her with a confused expression. After Ellie had finished her cookie, Hermione began to bring her hands to re-button her shirt, shaking her head in dismay.

"No, leave it open," Ellie said sternly.

Hermione immediately stopped as even more confusion confounded her.

"I like the view," Ellie continued, now in a more softer tone.

Ellie admired Hermione's porcelain skin and how the sun made it shimmer. She casually traced her finger slowly down her girlfriend's skin, making her shiver in pleasure.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Eat, darling," Ellie invited, gesturing towards the food.

"You know, you're making it real hard for me to do that," Hermione gasped. Still propped up on her elbows, Hermione couldn't eat, and instead watched as Ellie traced patterns across her stomach.

"What do you want to eat, love? I've got vanilla cookies, cinnamon rolls, fruit tarts, chocolate croissants, and much, much more," Ellie named, pointing to each food as she went.

Hermione gasped as Ellie's finger traced over the outline of her bra. Ellie was cool and collected, but smirked as she saw her girlfriend squirm under her touch.

"So... what do you want to eat?" Ellie asked again, taking a bite of a fruit tart.

"You," Hermione mumbled, a slight red tint forming on her cheeks.

At the sound of that, Ellie nearly choked on the food in her mouth. Ellie managed to finish what she was chewing, then cocked an eyebrow at her girlfriend.

"Hermione Jean Granger!"

"What?" Hermione replied, trying to seem innocent. "You can't just have me like this and not expect me to want more!"

"Love, I have no idea what you're talking about. There's nothing going on," Ellie chuckled, her eyes darting back down on Hermione's flawless torso.

"Look, Ellie. You wouldn't have to even do anything. Just let me take care of you," Hermione pleaded.

"If anything, we can't do it now," Ellie reasoned and continued to eat her fruit tart.

"There's nobody here... and you could continue eating if you wanted to. All I need is... you," Hermione trailed as she placed a hand on Ellie's thigh. She ran her hand higher and higher, eventually working her way under her skirt. She stopped at her inner thigh, caressing it gently, close enough to feel the heat radiating from Ellie.

Ellie grabbed Hermione's arm, stopping her from advancing any further. She looked straight into the lustful eyes of the Gryffindor.

"Hermione Jean Granger. We are not going to have sex at a picnic," Ellie scolded, her face dead serious.

Hermione dropped her face in disappointment, removing her hand from underneath Ellie's skirt. Ellie lifted Hermione's chin gently and pressed her lips against hers, in an attempt of cheering her up.

"Rain check?" Hermione asked in a hopeful tone.

"Of course, darling. Anything you want."

"Anything?" Hermione repeated.

Ellie snorted and playfully hit Hermione's arm. Hermione laughed, a slight tint still showing on her cheeks. After the laughter had died down, Ellie laid down on Hermione's bare stomach, perpendicular to her body. Hermione automatically started to run her fingers through Ellie's hair, massaging her scalp gently.

"Shouldn't you be worried about Quidditch tryouts?"

"Honestly, no. If I make it, I make it. If I don't, well then, that's okay," Ellie replied calmly.

"How do you do it? It's like you never get nervous or scared."

"Love, I am both of those things 100% of the time."

Hermione scoffed. "Oh, sure you are."

Ellie lifted her head from Hermione and propped herself up on one elbow, facing Hermione. She brought her other hand to cup Hermione's cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

"Hermione, love. I'm scared all the time. I'm afraid of losing you, darling. I can't imagine how I'd be if I ever lost you. And you think I don't get nervous? How do you think I felt when I first kissed you? One day, I might screw all of this, our relationship, up. And I've never been more terrified," Ellie explained softly.

A smile crept up on Hermione's face. "My love, there is nothing you could do to screw it up. I love you, Ellie, even if you do make stupid decisions."

Ellie let out a small laugh, her eyes twinkling with affection.

"I'm so in love with you," Ellie murmured as she moved closer to kiss Hermione's lips. She backed away moving her hands to Hermione's shirt. She started to re-button them one by one as Hermione watched.

"It's getting dark, love. Let's get going," Ellie said with a warm smile. She stood up quickly and helped Hermione to her feet. Ellie started to pack up the blanket and food and placed them in the basket. Together, the two lovers made their way back to the castle, walking hand in hand with smiles on their faces.

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