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After Harry had left Ellie to sleep, she awoke nearly 20 hours later, her deep slumber giving a well-rested sensation coursing through her body. It was rare that Ellie had ever gotten much sleep, considering her ability to doze at just about any moment was remarkably impressive. Pomfrey had cleared for Ellie to be discharged from the ward when she awoke.

Ellie rubbed her eyes groggily, blinking away the stars that had formed. The ward was dimly lit, giving Ellie the assumption that it was too early or too late for her. Ellie called out to Madam Pomfrey, who was busy attending to another patient a few beds down.

"Madam, what time is it?" Ellie croaked as she sat up and rested her back against the bed frame.

"Supper had just finished, dear. You're all set to leave if you feel better," the Matron replied as she folded a sheet and set it to the side.

Ellie nodded appreciatively as she took in her surroundings. The bandage wrapped around her torso was freshly changed, the blood finally slowing to a stop within her wounds. The ward was dark and cold, though it provided a sense of warmth in knowing she was being taken care of.

A voice spoke from beside Ellie's bedside, hidden in the shadows.

"You've been stuck in here for nearly a week, and now you've lost your vision too?" the voice said sarcastically.

Ellie jumped at the sudden voice, but softened when she saw a familiar Slytherin emerge from the darkness, the moonlight accentuating his stony features.

"Draco... I didn't see you," Ellie gasped.

"Obviously," he replied, rolling his eyes. His platinum blonde hair was neatly styled, and his usual persona had returned.

"Potter finally left your side. He was stuck to you like bloody glue," Draco continued. "How are you feeling, anyway?"

"Better. A lot better, actually. And what about you? I'm surprised you aren't in the bed next to mine, considering the drama king you are."

Draco scoffed, but couldn't help holding back a small smile.

"You got it worse. You didn't have to do that, trying to save my life and all. It's disgustingly very Gryffindor-like of you."

Ellie let out a small laugh mixed with a scoff. The pain in her torso had nearly gone away, but was left with an obvious bandage that supported her back. She pulled her shirt down all the way, concealing the bandage thoroughly.

"I thought you should know something," Draco started, his eyes darting around the room for eavesdroppers.

Ellie raised a questioning eyebrow, leaning forward to hear what he had to say.

"It's about Cormac. I was in the boys' bathroom when I heard him talking to his chaps. He went into excruciatingly painful detail about what happened that night with Granger," Draco paused, preparing himself for telling the real truth. "I knew it was dodgy from the start. He went about nicking a love potion from Slughorn's office. Drugged it in her pumpkin juice at lunch."

Ellie's mouth dropped with shock.

"You're kidding," Ellie announced, not wanting to believe him. If she believed him, this meant that Ellie had shut out Hermione for an entire month, and hurt her for something she couldn't control.

"I wouldn't lie about this. Bloody bastard had no idea I was listening," Draco scoffed.

Ellie immediately arose from her bed, scrambling to rise to her feet. Draco immediately stopped her, placing a firm grip on her arm.

"Go apologize to her. I'll beat his bloody face in," Draco told Ellie, rising to his feet as well.

"No, don't. I need to take care of him on my own," Ellie stopped, already a few steps from her bed and walking towards the door.

Draco gave a hesitant nod and proceeded to let go of his grip on Ellie, setting her free. Ellie gave a silent thank you as she rushed out of the hospital ward, earning a confused look from the matron.

Ellie walked down the corridors quickly, making her way to the Gryffindor common room. The cool night breeze hit her cheeks, turning them into an even rosier shade of red. She muttered the password to the painting, resulting in it swinging forward, letting her inside.

The common room was bustling with students who were lounging around on the oversized couches, some working on their homework. The Gryffindors immediately snapped their heads to turn their attention to the Hufflepuff, who stormed into the room abruptly, her hands balled into fists.

Ellie scanned the room quickly to find her desired face. Amongst the room were Ginny, Harry, Ron, and a few other familiar faces. They gave puzzled looks as they watched Ellie make her way to the fireplace. Hermione was not amongst the students, who Ellie assumed was in her dorm. On the couch facing the fireplace lay Cormac McLaggen, who was making conversation with a few of his friends who sat on the other lofty chairs.

Ellie withdrew her wand quickly, pointing it at the boy. "Incarcerous!"

Cormac was immediately bound by rope, seeming to have appeared from thin air. Soon enough, the boy was wriggling on the floor, gasping for air as his hands attempted to loosen the thick cords.

His fits had caused a commotion, soon drawing the Gryffindors to surround Ellie and Cormac.

Ellie pointed her wand at him, tightening the ropes even more. Her emotions had begun to emerge again, this time with more pain than anger.

"Tell them how you took advantage of her that day! How you drugged her juice with Amortentia!" Ellie yelled, her voice showing clear agony.

The boy continued to writhe beneath her, coughing as he tried to free his airway. The room was filled with silence as they watched Ellie batter him. Not even Harry on Ginny tried to stop her, wanting to hear more about what she had to say.

"The pain you've caused me... is nothing compared to what you're feeling right now. You did this. You caused this!" Ellie continued to shout. "You keep pushing and pushing! But admit it, she doesn't want you! And never will want you! You are absolutely disgusting!"

"Who knows how many other girls you have taken advantage of?" Ellie asked, gesturing to every girl who huddled around her. "Spiking their drinks with a love potion so powerful, it causes extreme infatuation? That's vile. And way over the line."

"She couldn't tell you to stop! She was not herself to even tell you to stop! She would never, and I mean, never, let you do anything like that to her!" Ellie continued.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," Ellie spat, putting away her wand as she drew her fist back, ready to beat him into a state of death.

Suddenly, two feminine hands firmly grabbed Ellie's arms from behind, holding her back.

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