As the World Caves In

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It was June 3rd, 1997.

In preparation for Dumbledore's funeral, classes and exams had been put off. Some parents had taken their children home after learning of his death and the security breach.

The Black Lake held witches and wizards from around the world, coming to pay their respects to who they claimed to be the "greatest Headmaster Hogwarts ever had". Just beneath the lake's surface was a chorus of merpeople, who sang in tribute for the fallen Headmaster.

Ellie stood among her friends, rubbing Harry's back supportively as he cried silently. With her other hand, Ellie held Hermione's, rubbing it over with her thumb. Hermione rested her head on Ellie's shoulder, her face expressionless and solemn.

After the eulogy, Dumbledore's body was lowered into the ground, white flames rising from the table to surround him in a tomb. A shower of arrows was fired by the centaurs of the Forbidden Forest, saluting the former Headmaster.

After the funeral, Harry had dismissed himself from his friends, murmuring about talking to Ginny. Ellie turning to her girlfriend, tugging her hand.

"We'll catch up with you guys later. Save us a seat," Ellie announced to the others, who nodded in agreement.

Hermione and Ellie began their walk back to the castle, Ellie wrapping her arm around her girlfriend.

"Where are we going?" Hermione said softly, wrapping her arm around Ellie's waist.

"You'll see," Ellie replied with a grin, making Hermione's lips curl into a small smile.

After strolling through the corridors, Hermione had found that Ellie brought her to the clock tower.

"Just like old times," Ellie announced, taking in the familiar surroundings.

"Why'd you bring me here?" Hermione pondered.

"To dance," Ellie replied simply. "We won't be back here. I figured we dance one last time before we leave."

Hermione's cheeks burned a flush red, wrapping both of her arms around Ellie's waist. Ellie withdrew her wand, muttering a enchantment.

Within seconds, music started to play around them, seeming to be coming from the wind that blew through their hair. The wind started to play "As the World Caves In" by Matt Maltese.

"As the world caves in, darling," Ellie murmured, resting her arms on Hermione's shoulder.

As the song played, the lovers danced, swaying their bodies together. Their bodies moved synchronously, their limbs resting on each other perfectly. In that moment, their problems seemed to disappear, forgetting about all the wretched events that had happened. They gazed into each other's eyes, full of love and admiration.

The song eventually came to a close, the music fading out slowly. Hermione stepped forward, closing the distance between them as she latched her lips onto Ellie's. She kissed her slowly, taking in the softness of her girlfriend's lips. Ellie brought her hands to the back of Hermione's head, cradling it gently as her fingers entangled within her locks. The next few moments consisted of passionate kissing, the lovers too absorbed within each other.

Hermione broke away first, breathing heavily with a wide smile on her face.

"I love you, darling..." Hermione whispered as she brought a hand to Ellie's face, cupping it gently.

Ellie gave a wide smile, her cheeks a flushed red. "And I love you... 10 times more."

Hermione's smile started to disappear, her face growing slightly more serious.

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