The Quidditch Cup

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The final match of the season, for the Cup, was between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Due to Harry's obligation to serve detention with Snape, he was unable to play, forcing Ginny to sub in as Seeker.

Excitement filled the air, as almost everyone in the school was dressed in either maroon or navy colors. The game seemed to pass quickly, its roaring cheers deafening their ears. Gryffindor had won by a large margin of at least 300 points, with Ginny catching the Snitch for the victory. Meanwhile, the crowd roared, with Ellie and Hermione cheering loudly from the stands.

The celebration party occurred after dinner, with every Gryffindor assembling in the common room. Ginny and the trio had invited Ellie exclusively, making her the only non-Gryffindor attending. The common room was decorated with banners, with red and gold streamers hung across the ceiling. Even the Fat Lady painting was dressed in maroon attire, carrying a joyful expression.

Ellie stood with Hermione, her arm wrapped over Hermione's shoulder as she sipped on a cup of Butterbeer in her other hand. Hermione had a smile on her face, watching as the Gryffindors celebrated the victory, everyone seeming to have the time of their lives. Ron held the cup firmly in his hands, a wide smile plastered across his face as he pumped his fists in the air in triumph. Music was blasting from the depths of nowhere, although, the students' commotions drowned it out.

"Enjoying yourself, my love?" Ellie questioned as she took another sip of her Butterbeer.

Hermione rested her hand inside the back pocket of her girlfriend's jeans, hidden from everyone's view.

"Absolutely," Hermione replied with a smile. "And you?"

"It feels bloody surreal."

Hermione looked over to Ellie with a surprised look.

"Did you just say bloody? Ellie, you're American," Hermione giggled.

"And what about it? You British people are bloody odd," Ellie joked, emphasizing the slang word.

Hermione laughed as she quickly pecked Ellie's lips, making sure everyone was distracted.

Soon enough, Harry had arrived, seeming tired from Snape's detention. He seemed happy though, excited that Gryffindor had finally won the Quidditch Cup. Hermione and Ellie watched as the boy looked around for his friends, a smile on his face forming as he recognized the two girls. He began walking towards them until Ginny raced to him, cutting him off.

Ginny threw her arms around Harry, but without thinking, Harry kissed her. After what seemed to be painfully long seconds for the rest of them, they broke apart. They hadn't noticed that the entire room had gone silent, with fifty pairs of eyes staring at them in shock. Soon enough, several Gryffindors wolf-whistled and a fit of nervous giggles erupted. Ellie cheered for them loudly, her voice earning a scolding look from the blushing Weasley. Hermione beamed, her genuine happiness showing for the two.

"Blimey, Hermione! That's bloody dog's bollocks! I'm absolutely chuffed, though even a nutter would have seen it coming!" Ellie exclaimed in a British accent.

Hermione glared at her, her eyebrows furrowing at the Hufflepuff.

"Now you're overdoing it," Hermione scolded, making Ellie laugh in response.

"Oh, shut it. You know you love me," Ellie countered.

Hermione rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile that was creeping on her face. Ellie kissed her forehead lovingly, then proceeded to finish the rest of her Butterbeer, leaving a foamy mustache on her top lip.

"Oh, you've got some..." Hermione trailed, but took no time in latching Ellie's top lip within her own, making the foam disappear.

"Was that necessary?" Ellie laughed, slightly surprised at Hermione's sudden action.

"Oh, shut it. You know you liked it," Hermione countered in an American accent, referencing Ellie's words.

Ellie laughed in a surprised manner, her eyes wide with shock.

"That's the first and last time I'll ever attempt that," Hermione defended, not even giving Ellie the chance to say anything.

The both of them let out a fit of giggles before plopping down on one of the couches, facing Harry and Ginny.

"So... you two?" Ellie inquired, her arm still resting on Hermione's shoulders, their bodies sitting close together.

Harry and Ginny blushed, neither of them wanting to admit it.

"And what about you two?" Harry asked, wanting to bounce the question back to them.

Hermione and Ellie looked to each other lovingly, giving a small smile to each other. Ellie turned back to face Harry.

"We're a work in progress," Hermione answered simply, interlacing her hand with Ellie's that hung over her shoulder.

The conversation turned silent until Ellie stood up abruptly. She scanned the room for Ron as well, but couldn't seem to find him.

"Up, now. All of you. Let's dance," Ellie ordered as she helped her girlfriend stand up.

Harry and Ginny looked to each other oddly but stood up anyways. The music was blasting, and some were already dancing while others conversed on the sidelines. Ellie took Hermione's hand and lead her to the middle of the common room.

Ellie began to sway her hips, moving to the beat of the music. Hermione followed suit, though not as smooth as Ellie. Ellie glanced over to Harry and Ginny, who already seemed to be adjusting well to the movies. Ellie smiled as she watched the two of them dance to the tempo. Soon enough, Ellie had gotten Hermione to a state of comfort, guiding her hips to move with hers. Their heads bopped to the beat, their hair bouncing carelessly against their shoulders. Ellie and Hermione's hands traveled across up and down each other's bodies, seeming to be hypnotized by the music.

After the song had concluded, all four of them snapped back into reality, sweat breaking across all of their foreheads. Hermione beamed at Ellie, not having ever let loose that much.

Without thinking, or even acknowledging the people around them, Ellie smashed her lips onto Hermione's, grasping her waist. Hermione, clearly shocked, didn't even have time to register what had happened. She kissed back fiercely, using both her hands to cup Ellie's face. They didn't stop, though they could hear Harry and Ginny's supportive cheers from behind them. Soon enough, the entire common room seemed to be cheering for them as they continued to kiss each other passionately.

Hermione suddenly broke away, coming up for air as she panted heavily. Ellie grinned at her, resting her forehead on Hermione's.

"Ellie... everyone was watching," Hermione panted, her hands moving to rest on Ellie's shoulders.

"That was kind of the whole point," Ellie replied with a grin.

In that moment, Ellie didn't care if she came out to the entire Gryffindor house. She didn't care what other people thought of their relationship. Their moment was purely their love, and just that. Hermione didn't care either, and even went back for another passionate kiss. Cheers and whoops were even louder this time, seeming to be supportive of their relationship.

After a while, the two of them broke away, smiles plastered on both of their faces. Their kiss felt exhilaratingly free, leaving both of them breathless and joyous.

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