Quidditch Trials

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It was early morning on September 14th, 1996. The day of Gryffindor's Quidditch trials. Ironically, today was the day of Hufflepuff's Quidditch trials as well.

Hermione and Ellie sat together in the stands to watch the trials. They sat at the top row, overlooking the students. A few scattered students sat in the stands, but sat a distance. Luna Lovegood sat in the stands just a few feet away from them, along with Lavender Brown. The two watched as a group of students gathered at the pitch, with Harry and Ginny standing in the front. Hermione noticed many of them weren't even in Gryffindor and shook her head in dismay. Ellie could feel the tension Hermione emitted, knowing that Ron would be no match for his opponents. Ellie took her girlfriend's hand and interlaced their fingers together, resting them on her lap. Hermione gave an appreciative smile but still had an anxious look on her face. After a few minutes of chatter as Harry tried to speak over them, Ginny yelled, causing all of them to be shut up in a matter of seconds.

Ron looked terrified and looked to the two girls in the stands. Hermione gave him a wave as Ellie gave an encouraging thumbs-up. A tall, older boy approached Ron, who seemed to be making threatening remarks. The girls immediately recognized him to be Cormac McLaggen. The tall boy looked up at Hermione and winked at her. Ellie felt her blood boil and her anger rise as she squeezed Hermione's hand tightly.

"I swear on Merlin, I'm gonna strangle him," Ellie spat, her body growing hot from anger.

Hermione looked around her surroundings to make sure no one was in earshot.

"My love, calm down. He's not worth it," Hermione reassured in a quiet tone.

Ellie simply huffed as she loosened her grip on Hermione's hand. She didn't say anything, but her expression was clearly bothered.

"It's okay, darling. It's okay..." Hermione whispered and placed a quick peck on her girlfriend's cheek. To her surprise, only Luna witnessed her kiss, who gave a supportive smile to the Gryffindor.

Ron and Cormac were off, each of them assembling in front of separate hoops. Cheers erupted from the stands, saying, "Come on, Ron!" and "Go on, Weasley!" Ellie cheered on the red-head, pumping her fist in the air. Hermione's worried expression grew as her heart raced in fear. She knew Ron couldn't compare to his opponent and was terrified for his safety.

Within seconds, the Chasers were up in the air as they battled to score in Cormac's hoop. The audience's eyes darted everywhere as they fought to hold the Quaffle. Finally, a player tried to score in Cormac's goal but was effortlessly blocked. The boy graciously blocked three more goals, using all of his long legs and lean arms to prevent it from coming in.

Ellie looked over to her girlfriend whose worry was evidently increasing.

"He'll be okay," Ellie assured, indicating to Ron, who looked equally as terrified.

Soon enough, Quaffles were being thrown at Ron's goal. To everyone's surprise, Ron was able to block all of them, using awkward positions and body parts. Hermione winced as he used his head to block one of them. After Ron had blocked the last one, he lost his footing and nearly fell off his broom. He was suspended in the air as only his hands held him up. A cheer erupted from Ellie, encouraging him to get back up. After some struggle, Ron had managed to get himself back up, and Ellie cheered wildly.

Hermione watched as the Chasers made their way to Cormac, who smirked, knowing he would be able to block it. Suddenly, Hermione brought her hand to her face, whispering, "Confundus". Cormac swerved out of the way, letting the Chaser score past him. He looked confused as he stared at his broom in disappointment. A subtle smile crept up to Hermione's face at the sight.

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