Here for You

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Ellie's anger had grown substantially, now with the only intent of making Cormac pay for his actions. Every inch of her muscle tensed with anger, her limbs making every attempt to avoid killing the boy. The hands that held Ellie back were familiar and gentle, yet firm enough to stop her.

"Stop it! Stop it!" the voice cried out from behind Ellie.

Ellie whirled around to meet golden honey eyes, ones that belonged to a certain curly-headed Gryffindor. Her muscles eased slightly as they locked eyes, her mind diverting to guilt.

"Please, Ellie..." Hermione pleaded, her eyes begging for Ellie to calm down.

"And let him live knowing what he did?" Ellie spat, turning her head to Cormac, who was still gasping for air on the carpet.

"If you kill him, you won't ever be the same," Hermione reasoned, her arms still holding Ellie in place. "Please... don't do it."

Ellie's anger started to diminish, the sound of Hermione's voice serving as a beacon for her to focus her emotions on. Ellie's eyes started to water as she remembered how she treated her for the past month, how she shut her out without reason. Hermione immediately took notice, her eyebrows showing clear pity.

Ellie turned back to Cormac, nudging herself free from Hermione's grasp. Using the lat bit of anger before it disappeared, Ellie stomped on his face, strong enough to earn gasps from the audience as it rendered the boy unconscious, the sound of bones breaking echoing in the room. Ellie stormed out of the common room, leaving everyone speechless and frozen in shock.

Ellie made her way through the castle, blindly walking as her tears clouded her vision. Again and again, she let her emotions speak for her. If Hermione hadn't been there, Ellie was sure she would have brutally murder him on the spot. After moments of aimless traveling, Ellie found herself at the top of the Astronomy tower as she plopped herself on the steps.

Ellie brought her knees to her chest and her face to the palms of her hands. Tears of guilt flooded down her cheeks as her body trembled. Her cry was much different than anything she had experienced before. Not anger. Not pain. But guilt, and only guilt. Her senses went into a state of malfunction, not being to do anything other than let out uncontrollable tears. Her throat started to tighten as she choked back another sob, the guilt of Hermione's treatment bearing an overwhelming weight on her shoulders.

The Hufflepuff didn't hear the approaching footsteps, nor the presence of another person quietly following her to the tower. Not even a hand placed on Ellie's knee could bring her back into a normal state.

It wasn't until two warm arms engulfed Ellie into an embrace, the smell of coffee and roses bringing a sense of familiarity to the Hufflepuff. Ellie hesitated for a moment, but brought her arms to wrap around the other, hugging her tightly. The feeling had been deprived of Ellie so long that she couldn't help but let out another shaky sob.

"Shh... I'm here, Ellie," the voiced cooed as she let Ellie's tears soak into her shoulder.

"H-Hermione... I'm so s-sorry," Ellie croaked through her cries as she held onto Hermione's waist even tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere," Hermione reassured, her eyes now on the brink of tears. She savored the moment of embrace, cradling Ellie protectively.

They cried in each other's arms, releasing every emotion that had accumulated over the course of their split. In that moment, the two of them didn't care about anything else, only glad that they were in each other's arms again. After they had nothing else to cry out, they broke away from each other, their eyes puffy and red. She stood up slowly as Hermione followed suit. Ellie took a step backwards, afraid of scaring Hermione again.

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