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Ellie and Hermione weren't upstairs long before they heard some ruckus downstairs. Hermione immediately rushed over to the stairs, her toothbrush still in hand.

"Is that an owl I heard?"

Ellie trailed behind, peering her head over the railing.

"You haven't seen him, have you? Apparently he's wandering about the house," Ginny asked, looking up at Hermione.

"Really?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Really," a voice came from downstairs.

They knew that voice from anywhere. Hermione immediately rushed downstairs, tugging Ellie by her hand, her toothbrush still in the other. The brunette rushed over to Harry, and hugged him tightly. Ellie gave Harry a hug too, greeting him with a smile.

Within a few moments, the excitement had dispersed, and the Golden Trio and Ellie sat on the carpet in Ron's room.

"So when did you both get here?" Harry asked, levitating a burning piece of parchment with his wand.

"A few days ago," Hermione replied.

"Just an hour or so ago," Ellie added.

"Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming," Hermione continued, her face dropping suddenly.

Ellie looked worriedly over to the Gryffindor, and placed a comforting hand on Hermione's arm. Hermione smiled weakly at her girlfriend and leaned in to rest her head on Ellie's shoulder.

"Mum sort of lost it last week. Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's too dangerous," Ron explained.

"Oh come on!" Harry exclaimed in disbelief.

"She's not alone. Even my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening," Hermione countered.

"Mrs. Weasley wanted me to stay here in their protection. My mom doesn't practice magic anymore, so it's a bummer I had to leave," Ellie added.

"Anyway, Dad stepped in. Told her she was being barmy... and it took a few days, but she came around," Ron continued.

"But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" Harry argued.

Hermione took a hesitant breath. "There's been a lot of talk recently that... Dumbledore's got a bit old."

"Rubbish! Well he's only... what is he?" Harry asked, looking around the group for answers.

"Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years," Ron joked.

Smiles crept to the group's faces as they burst into heaps of laughter. Ellie wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, pulling her closer, to what seemed like a friendly embrace to the boys.


It was August 3rd, 1996. The past month had been full of laughs and catching up. Harry had even taught Ellie a few Seeker tips in attempts of getting the Hufflepuff into her best shape.

The Burrow's inhabitants had decided to take a trip to Diagon Alley to see the Weasley twins' new store. They had arrived by Portkey and entered the tall shop, with an animatronic of one of the twins at the front. The store buzzed with excitement as fireworks and all sorts of toys played in the air.

"Step up! Step up! We've got Fainting Fancies! Nosebleed Nougats! And just in time for school... Puking Pastilles!"

The voices spoke in unison, shouting at their customers. Standing on a raised platform, they were met with Fred and George, wearing identical brown suits. Ellie immediately hugged the twins, smiling widely at them.

"Neat shop, you two. How's it going?"

"Fantastic, Ellie! Business is booming!" Fred and George recited in unison.

Ellie chuckled, and proceeded to return to the group, finding that Ron and Harry had disappeared.

Together, Ellie, Hermione, and Ginny walked around the store, their eyes fascinated by the seemingly endless amount of toys and gadgets. They stopped by a pink fountain of small vials. Hermione picked up a vial, examining it curiously.

"Hellooooo ladies," the twins greeted from beside them.

"Love potions, eh?" George asked.

"Yeah, they really do work," Fred enticed.

"Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own," the twins added in unison.

"Meaning?" Ginny asked with a scoff.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?"

Harry had overheard the conversation, his face dropping at the comment. Ellie took noticed and gave a sympathetic expression to the boy. Harry gave a small smile of appreciation, and walked away in disappointment, setting down the item he was holding.

"It's none of your business," Ginny said sternly, walking away from the fountain.

Meanwhile, Fred had slipped a small vial of clear liquid into Ellie's pocket. Ellie looked to the twin, feeling the sudden weight in her left pocket.

"Similar to the love potion, just better," Fred whispered.

"And what does that mean?" Ellie asked quietly, her back turned away from Hermione.

"You'll see. Either you or Hermione can take it," Fred replied with a wink.

The twins left the scene, leaving Ellie confused at the red-head's cryptic message.

Ellie turned around to see Hermione, clearly uncomfortable. She whipped her head around to see follow her gaze to see Cormac McLaggen, a 7th year Gryffindor, giving flirtatious smirks to Hermione. Ellie immediately walked over to Hermione, shielding her from the boy's view. Ellie gave a dirty look to Cormac before placing her hand on the small of Hermione's back, guiding her behind a shelf and into a secluded corner.

"What was that all about?" Ellie asked with a slight hint of disgust.

"Just that Cormac boy. He was eyeing me down as if I was a pastry," Hermione scoffed.

A sudden wave of anger rushed through Ellie. "Just wait 'till I get a hold of him," she growled, stepping forward after him, but was pulled back by Hermione.

"It's okay, my love. He just made me uncomfortable, that's all," Hermione assured.

"Fine. But if I see that boy give one more look  at you, I swear I'll kiss you in front of him."

"Or you can kiss me right now," Hermione replied softly, examining the secluded spot they were in.

Hermione wrapped one hand around Ellie's waist and one to the base of her skull. She pulled Ellie's face to hers, bringing their lips to connect. Their lips and tongues danced as they happily kissed each other. Ellie placed her warm hands just under Hermione's jumper, tracing patterns on Hermione's smooth skin. Her touch made Hermione shiver, as she kissed with more passion.

Suddenly a voice came from the contraption from up above.

"Ahem. Ahem. We have cameras, lovebirds," George teased, his voice coming from the camera.

The two instantly broke away from each other in embarrassment. They took no time in leaving the area and back into the world of the Weasleys' goods.

Ellie and Hermione rejoined the others, in which they witnessed Ron getting overcharged, causing them to snicker.

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