Ron's First Win

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Just a week after the Slug Club's first party, everything seemed back to normal. Cormac had been avoiding Ellie, not wanting anything to do with her. Ron and Harry had been training like crazy as Ellie and Hermione had been spending more time with each other. After a long, uneventful week, it was now the day of Gryffindor's first Quidditch match against Slytherin.

During breakfast, Ellie approached the empty spot next to Hermione.

"This seat taken?" Ellie asked with a smile, gesturing to the empty spot. Ginny, Harry, and Hermione looked up to the Hufflepuff with gleaming smiles.

"Take a seat, Ellie," Harry offered, dressed in his Quidditch uniform.

"You're going to get in trouble if you stay here," Hermione said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Oh, be quiet. I'd rather be here than sitting alone at the Hufflepuff table," Ellie replied.

Hermione rolled her eyes sarcastically, but went to reach for Ellie's hand under the table, lacing their fingers together as they rest on her lap.

"I don't see a speck of red or gold on you. You better be rooting for Gryffindor," Ginny spoke up.

Hermione took off her scarf and placed it over Ellie's shoulders.

"There. Now you're in the spirit," Hermione explained with a cheery smile.

"Thank you, Hermione," Ellie said to her girlfriend, squeezing her hand gently. "By the way, I wouldn't have rooted for any other team."

"Where's Ron, by the way?" Ellie looked around the Great Hall, but did not see the red-head.

Suddenly, the large, wooden doors opened to reveal the missing Gryffindor. Ron was dressed in the Gryffindor Quidditch jumper with knee high socks, with a padded leather helmet. He walked slowly to the table as some students wished him luck, with some calling him a "loser". He sat next to Ellie quietly as he stared at the toast and egg in front of him. He looked sick to his stomach as he tried to gulp down his nervousness.

Ron spoke up. "So how was it, then?"

Hermione looked up from the paper she was reading. "How was what?"

"Your dinner party?"

"Pretty boring, actually," Hermione lied. "Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert."

"Didn't you, Harry?" Ellie teased to the embarrassed boy. "I enjoyed dessert as well. And the events that occurred after it."

Hermione kneed Ellie in her thigh as a warning as she blushed at her newspaper.

"Slughorn's having a Christmas do, you know. And we're meant to bring someone," Hermione brought up.

"I expect you'll be bringing McLaggen. He's in the Slug Club, isn't he?" Ron muttered.

"I'm actually going with someone else," Hermione replied assertively, glancing over to her girlfriend.

"And you, Ellie?" Ron questioned.

"I have a date already as well," Ellie replied.

Lavender Brown suddenly made her way next to Ron, seeming all too happy.

"Good luck today, Ron. I know you'll be brilliant."

After she left, Ron leaned forward in disgust.

"I'm resigning. After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot."

"Have it your way," Harry replied calmly. He pushed Ron's goblet in front of him, offering him juice.

A voice was heard from in front of them, making Ellie jump.

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