Torture Room

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Lisa opened her eyes in a familiar room. The dark room, the cold stony floor, the silence lingering within the walls moments before it was enveloped by screams. 

The Torture Room.

Jin threw her to the ground roughly and faced his back towards her , probably searching for a new weapon for the desired punishment.

Lisa silently whimpered in the corner. She didn't want this. Not back to the torture room again, waiting for her to die, wishing her heartbeat would stop to end the pain.. .

When she had left with Sehun all these disturbing memories were to be stored in the back of her head till they were forgotten. It was supposed to be thought of as nothing but a bad dream. But this nightmare was more than just a nightmare. It was the reality she lived in now. She couldn't run away. Sehun could not make her escape this.

Sehun.. .

Her heart clenched as she thought of him lying there in his bedroom punching the walls in frustration as tears streamed down his cheeks. Anger, disappointment and sadness plaguing his mind.

Jin turned around, meeting her lifeless blue orbs with his steely grey ones. In his hand, he held a dagger, pressed in between his fingers gently. The tip of the blade gleamed in the moonlight reflecting its sharpness.

Lisa edged closer to the wall but she knew it would do no good. He was mad at her, no matter how far away she ran, he would get her. No matter how much she backed up, he would still come.

Jin bent down near her, his dagger slicing the back of Lisa's shirt as he renewed the old marks, the mark which screamed that she was claimed. 

Once claimed, there's no removing the claim. Even if she could magically make the marks disappear, the scars that now existed deep within her heart would never heal.

She screamed and she cried, she writhed and she whimpered but Jin didn't loosen his grip, didn't let go till he was done with renewing the marks.

After that, he threw a whole bottle of alcohol over her so the marks would remain. There was no escaping the marks. No escaping the torture. No escaping this hell. No escaping Kim Seokjin.

When he was finished, she lay there in a pool of blood, bathed in her own. Jin then dragged her to the pool and began dipping her head and harshly pulling it out again and again till her blood freed itself of her body and started floating in the pool instead. The pool seemed more like cheep red wine mixed with water than blood. 

Lisa's back stung as the water hit her back continuously splashing in the pool now filled with her blood. Once the bleeding had stopped, Jin pulled her out of the pool and dragged her back to the torture room.

This time, all she saw was darkness. The poolside was filled with light so coming back to the torture room would take some time to get used to the dark.

She felt her head spinning, her body felt limp and lifeless. Jin pushed her to the wall and grabbed her by the hair, once again looking into her eyes.

"Will you dare disobey and leave again?" he demanded.

"N-no ," she said in a weak voice.

"Answer me!!!"

"No. No I won't. I'm sorry," she cried as she felt another cut in her back again on the same marks..

"Property of Kim Seokjin"

Her vision was blurring and Jin's voice was more distant than ever, her eyelids fell and her body was no longer under conscious control as she fainted, seconds before Jin wrapped his strong arms around her and whispered in her hair.

"I've missed you."

Then, all went dark.


Hii my lovely readers!

How are you all?

BTS new album BE with title track "LIFE GOES ON" comes out on 20th November!

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