Frightened and Famished

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Lisa shut her eyes tightly hoping that when she opened them, the place would be brightly lit but it wasn't so. The room was as dark as ever and she had the strange feeling that it could be haunted. She shivered at the thought.

Her head started spinning and she felt her body heavier. She then realized that she hadn't ate anything since the trip. Her stomach ached badly and a severe migraine bad it worse. She curled up in a corner. The room was more like a dungeon. It felt like one. The floor was stony and the place was dark and cold .

But when she thought of it, every room in this hell hole was dark, cold and scary. She felt the need to be outside. It felt like it had been ages since she had last witnessed light, seen a flower bloom, had her favorite strawberry cupcakes while reading a book and felt free.

Her tears strained her once rosy cheeks, now drained of color, and soaked her shirt. She wept continuously, hoping that when she stopped she would feel better but the tears just kept coming without any indication of stopping anytime soon. Lisa had never felt so alone or scared ever.

She felt like she was fainting but she didn't want to. Although fainting meant escaping into another world and taking a break from this horrible reality, she didn't want it. The reason was that the room was filled with pins and nails attached to the floor and if she fainted, she would fall onto them and die.

Death wasn't a very bad option in her situation and seemed to be her only friend at this dreadful moment of her life but she didn't want to die. Not here. Not like this. She had to get back to her parents who would have been worried sick for her, her teacher who would be surprised and shocked at her disappearance and Sehun who , she knew with bone deep certainty, would be searching everywhere for her.

She didn't know that she would miss them so much. She had no idea she could even miss someone that much. Never had she thought that her ordinary heart had so much space in it reserved especially for them.

Her stomach ache worsened and she wanted to scream because of the migraine but she couldn't because it was dark everywhere and she was already terrified. If she screamed or moved, she would be more frightened. Every passing second, she was fighting the urge to faint. It took great effort. More effort than she could bear because she was tired and drowsy. Of course her sleep deprivation didn't help make matters any better.

She didn't know the world could be such a dark and gloomy place where blood was shed, innocent were tortured and the wrongdoers got what they wanted. She had never read what to do in a situation like this in her fanfictions or ordinary storybooks. All the books she had were spreading the message of love and goodness. Telling her that the world was full of light and joy, ecstasy and euphoria, happiness and success, friendship and love. 

Not people ripping out each other's hearts with passion. The world was filled with jealousy and hatred, torture and blood shed, death and destruction, violation of rights and evil. The predator would look at the prey in the eye and make the prey's life hell.

"I see you're afraid of the dark," a sly voice said from within the darkness.

Lisa straightened up. She thought the voice would help her but it was only a thought. A candle was lit in the distance which gave off almost no light. She saw the face of the mysterious guy who had been in the bus. He had been driving.

Namjoon grinned ear to ear and left.

Lisa wanted the light to go out. In the dark, she was afraid because she couldn't see anything but now the candle was giving off little light which was no help. But she felt more frightened because of the candle because its light didn't spread.

She sat in a corner, frightened and famished, waiting for the nightmare to end.

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