Chapter 28

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*Rayon & Briley*

Rayon asked Briley on a date, and she accepted, now she‘s nervous, and is frantically searching for something to wear.

She recently purchased her own apartment and though it was a mere 1000 square foot, she was proud to call it home. She decorated from interesting pieces she found at local thrift stores, and she had to say the place was coming together and had her signature stamp on it.

One of the best features of her apartment was the walk-in closet, where she was now scratching her head as she tried to locate something presentable.

Finally settling on a red sequenced number and quickly pairing with a pair of black glitter, Jimmy Choo pumps. She tied her box braids in an elegant style after she finished her make-up and she looked like money, if she did say so herself.

She made sure her skin was glistening with a bit of body glitter before she heard her doorbell ring. She gave herself a once over in her full length mirror, before going to answer the front door.
Nerves settled into her stomach. She wanted everything to go smoothly, at the same time as wanting their relationship to not be beyond repair. She hoped there wasn’t too much of a strain on it, and that she could forgive him for what he’d done.

She put those feelings aside, as she opened the door. The butterflies came rushing her all at once, and she knew she had no choice but to forgive him. She couldn’t live her life in the past, but this time things were going to be on her terms.

Rayon looked at her memorized by her beauty. How had he never appreciated it before? He was foolish as hell to let her go, now, he was finally seeing the error of his ways.

“You looked beautiful,” he said speechless, his mouth hanging open.

She giggled lightly, “cat got your tongue, huh? You don’t look so bad yourself.” She teased, as she noticed the roses in his head. Long white roses, her favorite. “They’re beautiful.” She commented.

“I know they’re your favorite,” he said handing them over.
She started to smell the beauties, and he watched her hypnotized by her actions. “Not nearly as beautiful as you.” He said sincerely.

“Thank you, Rayon.” She accepted the compliment with rose-colored cheeks. “You want to come in for a moment? I have to put these in water.”

“You’re inviting me in your apartment? I feel special,” he said.

“You should, you’re my first guest,” she stated.

“What about the guy I saw you with a the store?”

“We really weren’t together, I just wanted to make you jealous Ray, I was really hurting. He was actually just a good friend of mine from college. He even set me up with the job I have now. I must say though, if his fiancée got word of our little show, I don’t think she would have liked it very much.” She admitted to a shocked Rayon.


“So are you coming or nah?” She joked.

He gulped before stepping over the threshold and into Briley’s apartment.

“It’s really nice. I’m proud of you, you know?”

“Thank you. Giving me up was honestly the best thing that happened to me.” Briley said, as she went into the kitchen.

Rayon followed behind her. “How so?” He inquired, a little hurt.

“It hurt me bad. But it made me sit and reevaluate my life.” She pulled out a vase before filling it up with water. “I realized that my whole world revolved around you and when you left I was nearly crippled, if it wasn’t for my brothers I would have been. I had to see that I never want to be that dependent on anyone again. All I need is God, and myself. I feel better since I have my own apart from anyone else.”

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