3 ; Florida is... interesting?

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Neither Dream nor George had expected Sapnap to be a good cook, but there they were, sitting at the bar for breakfast while he stirred a pot of grits on the stove.

George lifted a glass to his mouth, not realizing it was orange juice, and scowled. He set the glass down rather violently, sticking his tongue out into the cool air.

After Dream gave him an odd look, George simply said he had just brushed his teeth. It was then that Sapnap slid him a plate full of food, much more than one person could eat.

George didn't really like ham, nor bacon. He pushed it around on his plate before he settled on just eating the toast.

"What're we doing today?" Sapnap asked.

"Uh.... I was thinking I could just give you a tour," Dream said. "Of a small area, that is."

George liked the idea, it was better than sitting around the house, although he wouldn't mind if he could spend it with them. He got up, throwing away most of the food on his plate without Sapnap noticing.

"I'm gonna get dressed," George said on his way up the stairs.

Dream watched him until he disappeared, looking down at his plate. It was unfair that Sapnap could cook better than him. "I don't like you, Nick."

"Your mom does," He smiled.

Dream laughed quietly, taking a sip of coffee. It was bitter.

Orlando was amazing, for George at least. Sapnap thought it was a good place to live, and Dream was just used to it. He said a lot of complaints, but they were always minor inconveniences. You could call it constructive criticism, except there was no one to take the advice.

George had never seen so many strip malls before, nor had he seen so many mattress stores. They lined the streets like bees in a hive, more than five in the last ten minutes. He could say the same for smoke shops and cellphone stores.

"If you see a place you want to go... Just tell me," Dream tapped his fingers on the wheel, reminiscent of the almost silent song playing on the radio.

"Oh! Dream! Pull in here!" Sapnap slammed his hand on the window, pointing to a thrift store standing alone.

"Seriously?" He asked, but was already in the parking lot.

"Uh, yeah?" Sapnap said incredulously. "These places have good stuff for next to nothing. Did I tell you I once saw-"

"A woman buying a full sized Marimba for a hundered bucks," Dream and George said almost simultaneously.

"Oh. I guess I did," Sapnap said, tapping his chin.

"Multiple times," George opened the door and basically slid out of his seat, really dreading going into the store.

The inside was nice enough, although there wasn't an employee in sight that wasn't behind a register. Customers looked at them with scrutinizing glares, something you couldn't help but feel ashamed because of.

George had the crippling feeling like he had done something wrong just by walking past these customers, and quickly found his way to Dream, who was holding an old lamp in his hands.

"I like it," Dream said.

"It's an old person lamp," George smiled, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I'm... an old soul," Dream placed the lamp gently back on the shelf. "Plus, you can't talk. You're like... 36."

"I'm 24," George furrowed his brow and elbowed him. "What are you? 16?"

Roommates [dreamnotfound / gream]Where stories live. Discover now