7 ; parents aren't always amazing

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yooooo! Wilbur finally did it. proud of em

Dream never really liked board games, except when it was competitive. His favorite had to be  monopoly, which was why they were playing it. George seemed excited, after teaming with Dream against Bad and Sapnap. While there was no rules for how teams would play, it was unspoken to help eachother out and share money.

"Go to jail!" Sapnap yelled at George as he flipped his card over.

Bad started laughing with him, while George rolled his eyes and placed his token in jail. "Yeah, whatever."

"Nick, give me 600," Dream said, dice already rolled on the board. He held up a card to his face, smiling smugly.

"What!? That's not fair! I wasn't ready!" Sapnap said, slamming his hand on the table.

Dream cackled a laugh, throwing his head back. He took the money from Sapnap's bank and smiled again. "That's for jailing Gogy."

"But we didn't even jail him," Bad laughed. "It was his own card."

"It doesn't matter now, your money is mine," Dream said. "We're 500 bucks richer than thirty seconds ago."

Half an hour later, Dream and George had collected such a large sum of money, the bank was almost empty, and they refused to buy anything from Sap and Bad.

"I forfeit," Bad threw his hands up, sighing.

"Yeah, this is rigged," Sapnap scowled. "This js why I wanted to play animal crossing... but ohhhh nooo. It had to be George's turn to pick the nightly activity."

"Wait, both of you give up?" Dream was folding cards between his hands, and looked up excitedly.


"George! We won!" He said loudly, dropping the cards.

"Oh! We did!" George grinned.

Dream raised a hand to highfive him, and George flinched slightly before snorting a laugh and tapping a finger against Dream's palm.

"Why are you so flinchy?" Dream laughed, elbowing him in the arm.

"A habit, my mom and grandma did it too," He said, starting to pick up all the silver game tokens. "I probably should like... train myself out of it."

"Probably," Dream said, stacking cards into the box. "It's only eight... Did you wanna do something else?"

"I dunno, up to you, really," George shrugged. After a moment of thought, he mumbled to himself, "I have to go edit my playlist...."

"Why?" Dream asked.

"I found new songs I like," He said. "And I got sick of the other ones."

"Just make a new playlist...." Dream said incredulously.

"Maybe. It's easier to just delete the old and move in the new sometimes."

George was mindlessly clicking around on his computer, his minecraft character continually hitting the air with it's sword. He was spaced out, thinking about anything that his thread of thought gave to him.

There was a soft knock on the door, which George could tell was Dream. "Come in?"

"What's up?" Dream asked, closing the door behind him and sitting on the bed.

George spun around in his chair and sighed. "I'm just tired."

"Tired? Of what?"

"Everything, I guess," George smirked, and then shook his head. "I sound like a 15 year old."

Roommates [dreamnotfound / gream]Where stories live. Discover now