4 ; this dumbass ate raw fish

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tw // needles

Dream woke up with a pounding headache, throbbing against the front of his head. He almost gasped, suddenly hit by stomach pain at the same time. He pressed a hand to his forehead and felt sweat, immediately laying back in bed.

"Fuck," He whispered, glancing to his side table.

Dream grabbed his phone and texted the groupchat with George and Sapnap in it. He waited a few minutes, and he heard a soft knock at his door, barely audible.

"That's not how you knock," Came Sapnap's muffled voice. Dream assumed it was him, but someone started banging their fists on the door violently.

"Stop!" George's voice carried into the room.

"Just come in," Dream spoke up, and his voice was raspy.

George was first through the door, followed by Sapnap, who looked very tired. George shook his head slowly. "I knew you were going to get sick."

Dream chuckled, George on his left and Sap on his right like some kind of doctors looking at their dying patient. "I just have a little cold."

"Food poisoning is more like it, although standing outside in the rain probably didn't help," George sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Rain? What?" Sapnap asked, confusion masking his face.

"Nevermind," George quickly dismissed him, pressing his hand against Dream's forehead. "You feel hot."

"I'm cold," He sniffed, pulling the blanket over his nose.

"I'll get more covers," George nodded to Sapnap, and left the room.

"So. Raw fish," Sapnap started. "How'd it taste?"

"Uhhh...... Cold, wet," Dream mumbled, closing his eyes. "Gross."

Georgr returned with the pile of blankets that had been on his bed, dropping them on top of Dream in a hurry. While it was very warm underneath the weight, it was also slightly suffocating.

George watched as Dream's hair slowly slipped beneath the covers, and soon, it was almost like there was no one on the bed if it hadn't been for the slow movement of breathing from under the quilts.

"Dream, get out of there," George said.

"He's vibing," Sapnap put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on. We can make soup or something."

George nodded reluctantly, casting a glance at his friend on the bed. Sapnap led him to the kitchen, his favorite place, mostly because of how small but modern looking it was.

George immediately grabbed a can of chicken soup from the cupboard, but Sapnap took it from him. "I said make soup. Not heat it up."

"We don't have time," George said.

"It's not like Dream is going to die in the next ten minutes," He rolled his eyes and smiled. "He can wait."

And he did, and it was worth it, because Sapnap's soup was fucking amazing. It was simple, potatoes and chicken and carrots and other vegetables in broth, but it was spiced well, it was warm, not too filling.

Dream set the empty bowl on his nightstand and sunk partially beneath the covers. "You two should go do something. I don't want to stop you from having fun."

"Shut up," Sapnap patted his forehead, and he opened his eyes slowly. "This is what friends are for."

"Also for gossip, but that's another topic," George said quietly.

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