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Taehyung became crazy after Jungkook left him. Currently it has been 4 months since Jungkook had died and 4 months since he was put into the mental asylum.

He was sitting on his beanbag as his new psychiatrist walked in. If you are wondering why he has a new psychiatrist then it's because he killed 11 previous psychiatrists that "tried" to help him.

"Mr. Kim, how are you? I'm Dr. Lee and I-" the female doctor started.

"It's Mr. Jeon." Taehyung said coldly as he was mentally slitting the doctor's throat.

"O-okay so let's start. I will ask some questions and you must answer them alright?" Dr. Lee said as she took out a clipboard.

"So let's start with the easy ones. Your brother says that the death of your late boyfriend affected you a lot right?" Dr. Lee looked at Taehyung who was just doodling in a little book.

"What do you think?" Taehyung scoffed as he let his hand draw on the paper.

"Okay we can skip that one. Um...tell me about you boyfriend." the doctor said as Taehyung perked up.

He put away his sketchbook and sat up straight his now blonde hair hanging over his eyes.

"He was the best person alive. He loved me so much that he died for me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be in this hell. He would do anything for me, kill for me, live for me, die for me, take a bullet for me. But I never gave him anything back. But I would, kill for him, live for him, die for him, and take a bullet for him even if it means that I have to kill you too." Taehyung grinned madly as he suddenly got up and tackled the woman onto the ground breaking the clipboard into two pieces and slitting her throat with the sharp end.

Taehyung laughed as he watched blood flow out as she started choking.

"Bye bye b*tch." Taehyung laughed as he watched as the door opened and guards came running in. 

They restrained Taehyung with a collar and took Dr. Lee's corpse away. Taehyung was losing a little bit or air but he couldn't care less.

"Haha see deserved it sl*t." Taehyung giggled as the guards shocked him with the collar as Taehyung felt ecstasy float into his brain blinding him with a light.

Taehyung moaned in pleasure as the guards stopped shocking him leaving Taehyung curled up in a ball and the door opened again.

"Taehyung?! Are you okay?" he heard a familiar voice.

He looked up as bubbles foamed in his mouth puking on the ground.

"Never been better...Jin Hyung." Taehyung smirked as he struggled to get up and sat down onto his bean bag.

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with the traitors?" Taehyung checked his nails.

"Taehyung just come back to us and you can be free from here." Jin pleaded with his younger brother.

Taehyung thought for a while. He was going to use this as an advantage.

"Ok hyung!" he said fakely smiling.

"Good! I'll get you out of here. Wear this." Jin said handing Taehyung some clothes so that he could change out of his hideous jump suit.

Taehyung immediately went into the bathroom and changed as Jin called somebody from his ear piece.

"Joon we're moving out. Set the distractions." Jin murmured into the earpiece.

Seconds later a loud explosions was heard and Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand and ran out the door. They ran past guards and nurses who were in chaos.

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