⤜Chapter ⅠⅠ⤛

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"Son, I want you to start helping me, you don't have to drop university just take my place for a few business here and there" the father said to his 20 years old son while facing each other in the living room after dinner

"you know I'm not interested in taking over the family" the bored boy said

"I know you're not interested in anything, I won't force you to take over, for now I just need some help, the xx mafia group is super active those couple of years and they keep getting in my way during work so I need to properly take care of this group thus I won't have enough time for the company and hotel work" the boy sighed

"alright, whatever"

"we are sorry Gulf, we will try to finish our business as soon as possible so you can continue enjoying university" his mother said putting a tray of some dessert on the table

"it's fine mom, are you leaving?"

"yes, we are going to Khon Kaen the day after tomorrow" his father answered

"isn't it were the leader of xx group lives?"

"yes, we are going to deal with his face to face, we already rented a place there and will do our best to finish quickly" he said with determination

"if you need any help ask Jake"


"thank you son" the father asked taking his dessert.

This is how Gulf got more and more involved in his family business, he is the first child of the Kanawut mafia group, a well known group just like the "yakuza" in Japan, they deals with so many troubles and problems here and there, being attacked by other gangs and attracts the eyes of jealous haters since they are so rich and owns a company and a couple of hotels.

Naturally Gulf as the first child, get attacked many times although he was accompanied with bodyguards all day long, he grew up having everything, his parents spoiled him, so when he became older he lost interest in anything since he knows he can obtain whatever he wants not just because he is rich but because many fear him, during his school days he was avoided by his classmates and if he comes face to face with someone the other would apologize and give him whatever he had on him.

Since he was a kid Gulf was the center of attention wherever he goes, not only he is so attractive and good-looking with beautiful deep dark earthy brown eyes and charcoal black silky hair, also he was tall and very fashionable, not to mention he is so smart and actually loves to learn, he already learned business from his father since he was only 14 years old.

He does have a couple of close friends, one is the son of his father's best friend and they grew up together although the other was one years older his name is Gan and the other he met during middle school, his name is Atid, he is the second son of some group and later on their fathers became business partners too. The is also his cousin Jake, they are not blood related, Jake is pure American man but his parents divorced and while Gulf's uncle was visiting America he met Jake's mother and decided to marry her, so Jake joined the Kanawut family when he was 10 years, he is 4 years older than Gulf but they quickly became close like brothers and helped each other a lot.

During high school the handsome boy got associated with many delinquents who loves picking fights with him almost every day, well, thanks to them Gulf became much stronger and learned a lot of fighting skills along with his private training and since we are talking about mafia he also learned how to use weapons from guns to daggers , for years he put his everything to learning anything necessary for him and his family.

He still lived as a normal boy skipping classes, hanging around with his friends, and even dating a couple of times although it didn't last long, that's why he find everything boring nowadays, almost nothing can surprise or shock him at this point, he met all kind of people, he learned all kind of things, he have everything that any boy would want so now the only thing that can keep him busy at least is his father's work, he'd rather not deal with other groups but it can't be helped if he actually get stalked around and trapping him.

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