⤜Chapter Ⅵ⤛

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Gulf's POV


It was almost 5 pm when I finished all my tasks for the day I leaned back on my chair in the office looking outside, I was feeling so depressed, I stopped contacting Mew for two weeks now, I actually hate doing it, I mean he is my first interesting friend but I had to do it for him, it seem some gangs knew that he became close to me and wanted to target him, he already has hard time dealing with his part of gangs, I don't want to drag into my family problems.

I sighed taking out my phone that was turned off since I was in a meeting, I wonder how is he doing? Did he really believe David? Did he really accept that stupid reason of me getting bored? Does he even think about me? All those questions swimming inside my head making me more depressed, the moment I turned on my phone I found a voice message, when I saw the name I quickly stood up, it was Mew, it was the first time he contacted me.

I held my phone hesitantly not knowing if I should hear the message or just delete it, I'm afraid if I hear his voice I may lose my resolve and call him immediately, on the other hand I want to hear what he wanted to say to me... I was holding my phone with my left hand while my right index finger traveling back and forth between 'listens' and 'delete', finally

"hey Gulf, it's been a while since we talked..." the moment I heard his voice I fell back to my chair, somehow I felt relieved hearing him talking calmly and sounding normal, it was his usual voice, the voice that kept catching my attention every time he uttered even one word

"... who the hell are you?!" suddenly his tone changed and sounded like he was talking to someone else, I kept listening.

I was frozen looking ahead with wide eyes while the phone was still to my ear even after the message was over, I heard him groaning in pain in the last 30 second and then the message went silent for a few more seconds and was cut, I quickly dialed him again but it said that the phone is turned off, I tried many times to no avail so I contacted David

"doctor is in danger, he got kidnapped, find him"

"yes boss" I ran outside and jumped into the car, waiting impatiently for David to come who took 20 minutes

"you're late"

"sorry boss, it's the yyy gang and they took him to some place close to Saraburi"

"go!" I half yelled contacting my father who said that he will catch up


Mew's POV


Slowly opening my eyes, feeling a painful headache, and my hands and legs were tied together with some thick rope, I tried to make out my surroundings feeling weak and a little numb, it took my a minute to remember what happened... the bastards not only used a stun gun but also kicked me a couple of times and that explain the pain in my abdominal, I cough a couple of times trying to message my temples with my tied hands.

I looked around to find that I was in some dirty squared room in a basement, there was a window from where I could see the little dark sky, there was broken planks and shard of broken wine bottles, the place smelled really bad like some rats died and got rotten there, there was also a chair with a broken leg laying somewhere, I was still feeling dizzy, suddenly the door flew open as two men got in with some old man who looked like the boss

"you're finally awake sleeping princess" he said with a wry smile and mocking look

"who... are ... you?" I managed to say with cracked voice

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