⤜Chapter Ⅶ⤛

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Mew's POV


I was feeling comfortable as I slowly regained my consciousness, it wasn't bright but I could feel a small sun ray that felt warm, I slowly looked to the window with the closed curtains leaving the space for one line of sunlight to come through. I'm alive... that's the first thing that came to my mind after remembering what happened yesterday, I slowly looked to my left side to be a little surprised.

Gulf was sitting on a chair close to my bed sleeping, I felt so relaxed seeing his face and feeling his presence close by, everything that happened yesterday felt like a short distant nightmare, I'm glad that we are all safe and nothing serious happened, I tried to sit up to get a glass of water

"ugh..." I groaned feeling a sharp pain around my abs, I was kicked there so many times, it's a miracle that my ribs didn't break, hearing my voice, Gulf's eyes flew open

"doctor!" he exclaimed, looking both guilty and worried he sat on edge of the chair to get closer

"I'm happy to see you again high schooler" I smiled as he looked at me with wide eyes then slowly glanced down

"I'm sorry, it's my fault..." I reached patting on his head

"yes it is your fault, you shouldn't have lied about getting bored and just told me the truth" I complained as he looked up in dismay blinking a few times

"I... you... I didn't want to drag you in my family problems; you already have your hands full with your family's troubles" I sighed he looked so guilty

"stupid , do you regret meeting me? Am I a burden to you?" he quickly shook his head

"no! I'm so happy that we met and became friends but a mafia life is so dangerous, like yesterday, you got hurt because of me"

"well, I was careless and didn't make a good plan before running away but if you told me the truth before I would have been careful and yesterday wouldn't have happen, you already know that I'm strong and you can rely on me and trust me so please don't hide anything again"

"you still want to stay as my friend?"

"obviously, actually I knew that you getting bored was a lie from the beginning but I didn't have the courage to contact you thinking I may have done smth to make you cut all ties with me, I should have contacted you sooner, better late than never" I winked as he started at me for a moment then looked down feeling emotional

"thank you doctor, I'm sorry for everything that happened but you may get targeted again"

"now that I know I will be careful, besides I won't be alone right?"

"of course, I will never let you be alone with those rats again"

"promise that you won't hide anything again?"

"yes I promise" he smiled assuring me

"good, now pour me a glass of water" he did as I slowly sat up

"how are you feeling?" he asked with a concerned voice

"I'm fine don't worry"

"let me call a doctor-"

"I am a doctor and I know my body better than anyone else, if I was in pain I would have called for one the moment I woke up, btw, this is my hospital right?" I asked seeing the familiar room decoration

"yes, at first I took you to the closest one where they gave you an immediate treatment then I moved you here and your friend took care of you"

"thank you Gulf for saving me and being here with me"

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