⤜Chapter Ⅳ⤛

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Mew's POV


Two months has passed since I met Gulf, I never would have thought to be acquainted with someone from a mafia group, let it being friends with since I always had troubles with them, I do understand that his family is different but it still feel weird and unbelievable. I can't deny that I felt comfortable during our last dinner, maybe because he looks so young.

I got back on time today since there were no emergencies, after buying some veggies and few other thing I went straight home, it's been 4 days since that dinner, he said he will come visit again soon but I guess he is busy with work.

"hey doc" once I got out of the elevator on the 10th floor, there he was standing next to my door, I froze for a moment then sighed

"if you were coming, you should have messaged me first"

"I wanted to surprise you but I guess I failed" he said taking the grocery from me while I typed the password to my condo

"I w surprised to find you here yet I'm used to finding someone waiting for me here, my friends who wants to spend the night or my cousins" I explained as we got inside, he admired the place while I put the grocery in the kitchen

"you have a very nice place doctor"

"thank you, It took me time to find this condo although I still think it's big for just me"

"it won't when you get a lover, it's perfect" he said following me into my room

"maybe you're right, btw isn't David with you?" I asked and started changing into comfortable clothes while he looked at my book shelf

"no, I told him to drop me off here and to go have fun"

"won't be dangerous for you to go back alone later?" I asked watching him take an album and sitting on the near chair

"I will ride my car straight home besides, I don't want to keep David with me 24/7, he too should live his life and have fun and maybe even start dating or smth" I smiled, he is a kind boss, giving freedom to him men and thinking about them too, he will surely become a great leader

"lucky him you're his boss" he glanced up to me looking a bit confused

"what do you mean?"

"nothing, I'm going to cook dinner, do you have any thing you can't eat?" I asked while he kept watching the pictures in the album, it's the first he came here and he is acting like it's his brother's house following me to my bedroom and touching everything as he likes... I think he does think of me as a brother... whatever

"no, let me help you" he said returning the album to its place and standing up

"have you cooked before?"

"no never, so you should tell me what I have to do" I sighed going out, he helped me peeling and cutting the veggies, he is a quick learner and that helped me a lot

"wow, this is so tasty, you are a chef!" he said after the first bite

"I'm glad to know you like it, I just have been cooking since high school, I learned from different people, my mother, our house's maid, my two grandmothers, even my younger sister who excelled in making sweets taught me sometimes"

"it's nice to have a hobby"

"don't you have one?" he looked down shaking his head slightly

"I get bored quickly, whenever I learn something, I become good at it and so It become uninteresting to me" he explained

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