⤜Chapter ⅩⅣ⤛

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Gulf's POV


With the last word Mew slowly passed out, I was surprised for a moment hearing his ' I love you' but when I saw him laying without a move my heart sank, I kept calling him over and over, the doctors quickly took him to the ambulance and we went with him holding his hand all the way to his hospital, they took him straight to the OR and I sat there waiting.

His family and mine caught up 10 min later, doctors and nurses were coming in and out, I even saw the chief running inside in his pajamas and nurses taking packs of blood, I felt so useless, tears like rain pouring out of my eyes, I could only hold into the watch and keep praying for his safety, I held into it so tightly filing into with all my feelings.

I'm not sure how much time passed but by the time the doctors came out of the OR it was past sunrise, I jumped out of my chair facing them as the rest followed behind, the chief stayed quiet for a while as the rest left

"I will be honest, the bullet was one centimeter under his heart, we managed to take it out but he lost too much blood and the wound was really deep" he stopped making me feel heavy and I almost fell down, Mew's mother fainted and his sister was already on the floor being held my her husband

"he will keep being under extreme surveillance but today will be very critic, I'm sorry" the chief bowed apologizing with sadness drawn on his face

"ca-can we see him?" Mew's father asked with a cracked voice

"we are taking him to a private room, only one at a time can enter, he needs the utmost rest and care" he explained that's when we saw him being out of the OR as the nurses along with two doctors slowly and gently pushing his bed, I followed them immediately and stopped by the door as they arranged everything, there was a window from where I could see everything.

He was lying there with the oxygen mask, I watched the patient monitor machine, I'm not a doctor but I have enough general knowledge to know that his heartbeats were a little weak, first Mew's mother went inside, I watched her holding his hand and sobbing whispering a few things, after her his father went in then his sister followed by her husband

"Gulf, go" Mew's father said patting on my shoulder, I slowly went inside, seeing his this close only made me so bitter, he was so pale and weak but when I got a closer look at his face it was like he was just in a deep sleep, his expression was so calm and relaxed, I slowly sat beside him with a heavy-heart and reached holding his hand with watch still in my hand

"please get better doctor, I'm waiting for you, you promised that we will go back together to your place and cook me a delicious dinner and talk all night long, please, keep fighting and stay alive" I murmured out loud

"I love you so much doctor, whether you love me or not I will keep loving you and courting you forever, no matter how time will pass I will keep adoring you and stay with you so please return to me, please save him, please" I was pleading to the pocket watch as a tear escaped from my eyes and landed on the watch, I really wanted to stay with him but I couldn't help it since his family are here too so I slowly stood up and leaned closer to his face planting a peck on his forehead

"I love you" I said one last time before coming out, I went straight outside followed by Jake and David who sat with me comforting me while I kept sobbing, after calming down I returned to his room there was everyone watching from outside, my mother came closer patting on my back

"he will be fine, Mew is a strong fighter" my father said

"I know, my son is really tough" his father said patting on his wife who slightly nodded

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