⤜Chapter Ⅸ⤛

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Mew's POV


Since that second accident Gulf would come visit me almost every day, we either eat outside or I would find him reading at my place, he even would stay over the weekends and my place becomes messy from all his books and clothes in just a few hours.

"stop reading and clean around first!" I said standing in front of him, I just got back from work and I was shocked by my trashed living room, books around his clothes on the floor, snacks and cans filling the small table, food crumbles on the floor and sofa

"is that the first thing you say when you just came back?"

"what do you expect when I'm greeted with this mess" I snatched his book

"at least say I'm home"

"alright, I'm home, now start cleaning" he slowly stood up as I was walking toward my room

"Doctor... *I looked to him* welcome back" he said smiling taking me aback by his sudden grin

"umm..." I got inside my room still surprised, I've been welcomed home million of times by my family, this is the first time I'm welcomed by someone else, and it feels nice coming from Gulf

"doctor, I have a business trip to Singapore for about week starting Monday" he said while we were laying on bed ready to sleep

"it's rare for you to accept" I said facing him, he was laying on his stomach with both of his hands under the pillow

"I didn't want to go but I'm forced to since the client I'm meeting is a VIP old man and it's hard for him to travel"

"it can't be helped then, work is work"

"will you be alright?"

"do you see me as a little child?"

"not like that, I'm afraid you may get in danger again while I'm gone and I won't be able to be by your side" I smiled, seeing how genuinely worried he was, I gently patted his head

"don't worry, I promise I will be extremely careful"

"you must call me every day, twice at least"


"don't go alone anywhere except for work and your parents place"


"don't even accept invitation from your friend by night" I giggled

"I'm serious here!" he raised himself a little resting his elbows on the bed

"I know, it's just weird, having you who is younger than me telling me what I must and mustn't do"

"it doesn't matter who is older and younger, I'm just concerned after what happened before"

"thank you for staying with me and being anxious about me"

"of course I would! You are my-" he stopped half away and looked down making me confused

"my what?"

"my... my precious friend" he uttered softly still looking down but I could tell he also was feeling a little embarrassed

"you too are my precious friend so take care of yourself, stay away from fights and don't overwork yourself" he looked up with a faint smile

"I will" on Monday early morning, Gulf was picked up by David from my place and went straight to the airport, just like we agreed, we kept getting in contact when I woke up and when I'm about to go to sleep every day and he once called me during lunch. If someone would see us like this would think that we are dating, it's really funny, surprisingly it was a peaceful week, I didn't encounter any trouble, neither at work or outside.

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