⤜Chapter ⅩⅤ (Final)⤛

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Mew's POV


I got discharged after two weeks, I was taken to my parents house, I found that they almost changed everything and upgraded the security system, Gulf was with all the time, of course I had to rest for another two weeks at home, I decided to spend the first one with my family who are still worried, even Gulf kept being concerned and won't leave my side except for when he goes back home to rest for a few hours and comes back.

"Gulf? What's that bag?" I asked while he helped me sit up on my bed

"a brought a change of clothes and few other things"

"why?" I looked confused but he sat down

"because I'm staying over" he made sound like it's an obvious thing, I chuckled

"I'm really fine, please stop being concerned, I'm sure you have a lot of work to do"

"not until this wound completely heal, besides, Jake and David are handling everything, I'm sure they will call me if they need me"

"I give up, do whatever you want"

"I will, even without your permission" he stated, my mother came in with a try of fruit salad

"dear, make sure not to move much like the doctor said"

"mom, I happen to be a doctor too"

"it's because you are you must to rest well"

"don't worry aunty, I won't let him move"

"I'm counting on you son" seeing them smiled and getting along makes me so contented and glad that everything is going well, I'm glad my family is open about this

"btw mom, I miss the twins, when will my sister come?"

"she's coming tomorrow"

"I can't wait to see them"

"me too" Gulf said looking cheerful, the rest of the week passed in the blink of an eye although I spend most of it in bed or sitting in the balcony when the weather is warm, Gulf also was right next to me every minute, he helped washing my body and my hair treating me so gently as if I'm a little child, he even would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night checking me measuring my fever and covering me then I would feel him sticking so close to my left side and falling asleep again


"Mew?! What do you think you're doing?!" Gulf asked as soon as he came back to our house from an urgent work, my boyfriend has already moved in with me officially despite that this condo is a little far from his work place, I think I will start searching for a new place between my hospital and his company as soon as I get back to work.

"cooking obviously"

"are you stupid?" he came into the kitchen wanting to stop me

"Gulf, I'm really fine, I can move this much, besides I'm not doing much"

"no! now get back to bed"

"please, I'll get even more rusty if I stay in bed, look I even got a little fat" I showed his my little stomach that was peeking above my pants making him burst into laugher

"keep laughing, I will get back in shape soon and I will show you my perfect six pack next time"

"I can't wait to see it" he said through his giggles

"you go take a bath rest a little, dinner will be ready in half an hour"

"please don't push yourself and sit back if you felt tired, I will finish when I come back"

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