⤜Chapter Ⅹ⤛

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Gulf's POV


"what's wrong father?" I asked as he looked to my mother then back to me, they told me to come back to talk today

"we already talked about this when you were in high school, now you're an adult and it's time for you to make it official"

"what?" I was confused

"it's about your fiancée son" my mother said

"hah?!" I looked to them wide eyes

"you know the one we told you before, Kannika, the daughter of my friend"

"I think I remember talking about this before"

"well you didn't pay any attention back then so we thought that you forgot, you said you don't care so we decided to get engaged when you are older, she's is 22 years now"

"it's a good time to finally get a lover and think seriously about your future son" mother continued

"no thanks"

"you should at least meet her once, maybe you will be interested in her"

"I don't want father"

"I already promised my friend that you will at least meet" I sighed getting a bit irritated, whether I meet her or not I surely won't spare her one thought, my heart already belong to someone else

"we already arranged for you two to meet tomorrow by lunch at xxx place" mother said

"why did you do that without my permission, you I know I hate things like this"

"we are sorry dear, everything happened quickly after being contacted by the girl's father and we couldn't refuse him" she explained

"whatever" I stood and got out.


"Gulf?" Mew asked a little surprised seeing me sitting down on a sofa in his bed room after getting out of bath

"didn't you say you're not coming today?" he said sitting on the edge of the bed facing me while drying his hair

"I felt so irritated after my conversation with my parents and went out to change my mood but I found myself coming to your place" he smiled putting the towel around his neck

"do you want to talk about it?"

"hear this doctor, my parents arranged me a meeting with a girl who was supposed to be my unofficial fiancée" I said sitting next to him, he looked to me with wide eyes

"you have a fiancée?!"

"no I don't, it was my father and her father idea to get us together when we grow old, they told me about her once when I was a first year in high school, I wasn't interested at all, she was only 11 years back then and soon after I forgot about her completely"

"so you never met before?"

"never and I don't want to, yet my parents went and arranged a meeting for us tomorrow by lunch" I said pouting laying down

"well it can't be helped, just meet her and tell her honestly that you don't want anything with her so she can be free from your fathers promise and find someone else"

"it kind of make sense when you say it like this but what if she doesn't want to give up?"

"just lie to her that you already have someone you love" I glanced up to him while he walked and picked some clothes from the closet... it won't be a lie, it's true that I already am in love with someone

Timeless Love【MewxGulf】Where stories live. Discover now