Prophet and Interviews

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Chapter Three: Prophet and Interviews

by: tweety-src-clt9

Harry decided that the best game plan to making his goddess (he called Hermione that in his head) fall in love with him was by slowly easing her up into the idea. After his big realization that fateful Thursday night in the library, the next day he acted normal again. But he made sure to be a better friend by showing a more gentleman-like behavior. So he still helped Hermione by carrying her bag for her and escorting her to class, but that's about it. Nothing more. He figured subtlety was the name of the game here and in a way he is shaping himself to be a potential husband or boyfriend by treating her better. After all, it would be totally weird to suddenly change the way he acts around her and act like a lovesick fool (which he really was by the way) but he just wants to be discreet about it. I wouldn't want to scare Hermione away after all. Today is a Hogsmeade weekend and he thought that it will be a great opportunity to step up his game. He would treat her like they were on a date even if Ron is going to be with them still keeping the discretion of course. He would offer to pay for her food or whatever it is that she wants to buy and he would play it off like it's a friendly gift or something. Yep! That's a good plan. He thought with a smile as the three of them were seated at the Gryffindor table.

An owl appeared and delivered Hermione's copy of the Daily Prophet. Hermione still kept her subscription because she always wants to be in the know of what's going on in their world. Harry sat there and looked at the headline with a look of horror.

Ministry Launches New Policy: Unmarried Women Can No Longer Work in the Ministry

By: Rita Skeeter

Shit! Hermione is definitely going to throw a fit about this one. Fine way to start the Hogsmeade weekend if Hermione would lecture us on Gender Equality and stuff., Harry thought.

To his surprise, Hermione didn't react all. She just calmly read the paper and flipped it on the next page to read on as she continued making dainty bites of her breakfast. Why I haven't I noticed that everything she does is so elegant? Damn! Must be because I'm so whipped or I was blind before but now I see.

"Hermione? Don't you have anything to say about the new ministry policy? I mean I always reckoned you wanted to work in the ministry after we graduated and all. Well, this thing would sort of be a problem in your plans isn't it?", he inquired. This really isn't like Hermione at all. She should be ranting by now. Huh? Maybe she's thinking of a strategy to counter this and is exploring options calmly and rationally.

" What do you want me to say, Harry? It's a law after all. Besides, I reckon it's good to encourage women to get married. That way the population of the wizarding world would hopefully have an increase to cope with the loss of the war.", she told him. "Besides, I have to marry sooner anyway.", she added in a whisper.

"What's that last thing you said, Hermione? I didn't quite catch that.", he asked her to repeat it since he wasn't entirely sure if she said something after her population increase explanation.

"Nothing Harry just muttering to myself, is all.", she said with a slight smile then resumed eating. Luna Lovegood then appeared with a copy of the Daily Prophet in her hand and sat beside Ron.

"Morning Ronald, Hermione, Harry.", she greeted each one of them in that dreamy tone that is just so Luna and then she looked at the three of them.

"I see the wrackspurts have finally cleared from you, Harry. I'm happy you finally understood.", Luna told him with a knowing smile as she glanced from him to Hermione. Shit! Does Luna know how I feel about Hermione? It looks like she does.

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