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by: tweety-src-clt9

"James? Aren't you going to go to bed yet, sweetie? Rosie, Siri, and Albie have already gone to bed.", Hermione Potter said as she entered her eldest son's room who was still busy reading a book. James Henry Potter may look like a mini-Harry, but he's all Hermione by heart.

"I'll just finish one more chapter of The Prince mum, then I'll got bed.", came the reply.

"May I ask why you chose to read Machiavelli?", she said with curiosity.

"Well mum, you know that had our career talk near the end of fifth year right? And well, I reckon maybe I'd get into politics or something. I'm inheriting the Lord Potter title after all.", he shared to his mother.

"Oh, Jamie! I'm so proud of you for preparing for your future this early.", she smiled as she hugged her son.

"You know I have to do my best mum. People expect a lot from me after all, what with me inheriting your brains and the lordship from dad.", he blushed.

"Oh, sweetie! You know that your father and I would always support you right? Besides, you shouldn't let people pressure you.", she kissed his forehead.

"Mum? Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetie."

"Well, how did you and dad get together? You never told us the exact story before."

"Why do you want to know Jamie?"

"Well, there's this girl I really like. And well, I reckon I should ask you for tips on how to woo a girl.", he blushed.

"Do I know this girl?", she teased.


"Fine, fine! Wait a sec, I'll call your dad. I figured he's the better person to ask about this.", Hermione said and called Harry on her mobile phone.

"Harry Potter we have a situation down here at James' room. Bring your most prized copy of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler. Yes! Those copies! It's a girl situation. Chop! Chop! Time's ticking! You're so silly! Shut up! Love you!", Hermione talked to Harry on the phone and James chucked at his parent's antics.

Harry Potter entered their eldest son's room carrying the old copies of the Daily Prophet and the Quibbler that featured the news of their engagement and what happened at the ministry auction.

"Hey, babe! What's the situation?", Harry asked as he wrapped an arm around his wife and sat on their eldest son's bed.

"Your son is asking me how did we get together and how you wooed me.", she replied.


"Yes, oh."

"Well Jamie, you should read these copies of the paper first before we can talk.", Harry said as he handed the papers to their son.

"Mum? Dad?", Lily Janice Potter, their eldest daughter entered her twin's room.

"Yes, sweetie?", the couple chorused.

"I was wondering if you could let me watch a Quidditch match with my friends tomorrow. It's the Chudley Cannons versus Puddlemere United!", Lily, who looked like a mini-Hermione except for the emerald green eyes was the female version of Harry. She was the star seeker for Slytherin since she apparently inherited her father's cunning in escaping the troubles that come her way. She loved doing pranks on bullies and she's never been caught, ever!

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