His and Her List

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Chapter Ten: His and Her List

by: tweety-src-clt9

"Harry? You do know that weddings are cumbersome to organize right? There are so many things to consider?", she told him as they were at breakfast the day after they visited her parents.

"I didn't know that Hermione. I've only been to one wedding. Bill and Fleur's.", he admitted sheepishly.

"I thought so. I reckon we should have a list of what we want. Then have someone do everything else for us.", she said.

"Alright. Let's hear it.", he sighed bracing himself for a long list.

"I want a small intimate wedding. No more than 100 guests. Just close family and friends. I want Ginny as maid of honor and Luna as the bridesmaid. I want lilies as my bouquet and scattered petals of red and white roses on the aisle. For the music, just a piano, saxophone, and violin combo. I couldn't care less for the food and cake and those other trivial things.", she said.

"What that's a really short list!", Harry exclaimed.

"You thought I'd be seem bridezilla didn't you?", she smirked and he nodded.

"I guess your list is very doable. I agree with what you said. I'll have Ron as best man and Neville as the other groom's man. No reporters at the ceremony. That's all I want.", he told her.

"Really? That's all you want?", she looked at him for confirmation.

"Yes, that's all I want. I don't really care much for the wedding. Knowing I'll marry you is more than enough for me. If you were to ask me, my list for the honeymoon would be longer.", he confessed.

"Why is that?", she asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, there's so many places I want to visit with you and things to try out.", he admitted.

"Alright. You plan the honeymoon. I'll coordinate the wedding. You reckon Mrs. Weasley can take care of everything else? Food and other stuff? My mum can help of course but I don't want to tire her very much. She's still on treatments."

"Mrs. Weasley would be happy to do it for sure.", he smiled.

"Where do you want to get married?", she asked.

"Well, we met at Hogwarts and it's a special place for both of us. You think that's doable?", he suggested.

"Harry, that's brilliant! We can ask Professor McGonagall if she agrees. We can get married in the Great Hall and have the reception there. That way, we don't have to do much effort.", she agreed.

"Great! So let's ask her when we get back and I'll owl Mrs. Weasley.", he said.

"You're good at this wedding planning stuff.", she teased.

"Hmmm. Don't know. I'm more of a honeymoon kind of guy. Seems more exciting to me.", he said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah! Yeah! Whatever helps you sleep at night, Potter.", she retorted with a slight blush on her face.

"Hermione? Your list didn't mention a dress? Don't all brides think that's most important?", he asked.

"Don't worry about that Harry. I already know what I'm going to wear. You just do you and your menfolk. And I'll take care of Ginny and Luna's dresses. I'm going on red and gold themes for their dresses as well as other wedding accents. It's best you keep that in mind in choosing robes.", she told him.

"I guess we're settled then.", he told her and she nodded.

They came back to Hogwarts with only three remaining items left on their to do list for the wedding: (1) talk to Ron, Ginny, Neville, and Luna; (2) talk to Prof. McGonagall; and (3) buy their wedding party's attire except Hermione's wedding dress. Hermione assured Harry that her wedding outfit is already a crossed-out item on their rather short list. Everything is all set since Mrs. Weasley agreed to do everything for them. They just have to confirm the three remaining items on their list and they're all set for July 31st.

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