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Dylan Blake

Try being so popular that people recognize you everywhere you go and would write blogs about you because that's how much people admire you.
Being followed by millions of people on Instagram and starting  new trends was something being done on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, that isn't me.

Instead, I'm the younger brother of the king and queen of my high school, if not the town.

Brad and Bella are twins and the whole town seemed to respect them as the leader of their stupid cults.

Fine, it's not a cult but it comes very close to being one.

I, on the other hand, wasn't as popular as them. I had a hard time making friends because most people act nice to me because one, they want to get to the twins, or two, they need me to do their homework. I was left in a big high school with plenty of people and zero friends,
except for some of the twins' friends that would occasionally make conversation with me but that was pretty much it.

"What do you think?"Bella looked at me from the rear-view mirror.

"Of what?"

"My lipstick," She rolled her eyes, "I asked you three times already but you're busy with that stupid phone."

"I was just checking my emails."I pointed out.

"Only old people do that," Brad said annoyingly.

"My teachers send homework through it now, "I explained.

"Nerd, "They both groaned at the same time and Brad gave Bella a five-dollar bill.

Every time they say something at the same time, one of them has to give the other five bucks and I noticed that Brad was always the one paying Bella.

"You good?"Brad asked me, "Did dad give you money for lunch? If not Bella can give you the money that I just gave her."

"I'm good," I said casually.

"Did you brought the vitamin c?"Bella asked, "I told you, you need it to take care of your skin."

"I have it in my bag."I pointed out.

She nodded, "Now, go make new friends."

They let me get out of the car first because I didn't want the attention of walking with them.

I had my head down and walked through the hallway, trying not to be seen by anyone as I felt uncomfortable in crowded places. I didn't have anxiety or anything but there was something about people in general that made me uncomfortable.

"You look dashing today, Dylan."Kyle,
the biggest jerk of my siblings' clique came up to me, "Keep that up and you might actually get laid."

"What?"I mumbled and accidentally starred directly into his eyes with a nervous face on before regretting it and looked down at the floor, "I mean, yeah,

"You do want to get laid, don't you?"He said, intending to make me uncomfortable.

"I don't know."I shrugged.

"What don't you know?"He raised his eyebrows, "It's a simple question."

Kyle liked to tease me when the twins are not around and I try not to mind him.

"I have class."I mumbled, "I should go."

I tried to walk past him but he blocks my path, "Why are you being rude?"He said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, "I uttered.
I didn't know why I was apologizing to him but it sort of came out.

"Is he bothering you?"

I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and turned to see one of the twins' friends, Nate Carter glaring at Kyle.

"No, I was just leaving, "I said awkwardly and walked away quickly.

I walked in a fast paste for a few seconds before I was startled by someone who stopped me and it was Nate again.

"Hey," He said softly, "Seriously tho, if he's bothering you, you can tell me."

"Okay," I nodded awkwardly.

"I'm sorry," He chuckled, "I'm Nat-"

"You're Nate Carter."I accidentally said,
"I'm sorry, that's creepy."

"No," He grinned, "I'm not surprised actually."

"I mean, you're part of my siblings' cult.
Of course, I know your name, everyone does."

"Cult?"He raised his eyebrows with a small smile growing on his face.

"That little group that you hang out with, "I explained.

I was confused on why all of the sudden,
I dared to talk to this stranger more confidently than I did with my own family. He had this good aura around him that I couldn't figure out.

"That was stupid to say."I finally realized what I just said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be"He chuckled, "It's a good trait that you say whatever you're thinking."

That's something I never do.

"Anyways, "He shrugged, "You should get to class, kid."


He was one year older than me and he thought that it was okay to call me "kid"?

I was not angry but he was the first person to came up to me and talk to me about something that isn't my siblings and he only saw me as a little child that needed saving.

"I'm not a kid, "I muttered.

"What was that?"He brought his head closer to mine to hear me better.

"Nothing, "I shrugged, "I'm just gonna-"

I didn't even finish my sentence and got into the classroom.

There, I walked past a table and tripped on the floor, and felt the impact on my forehead.

I recovered quickly and stood up to see a bunch of boys laughing at me.

"Watch your step."One of the guys said sarcastically and the group burst out of laughter.

"I'm sorry."I apologize, "It was my fault."

They looked at me weirdly before laughing again and one of them mimicked me, "It was my fault."

I decided to ignore them and went to my table before taking out my notebook.

People always gave me crap for one obvious reason;

I was not popular and was very easy to pick on because I don't do anything about it.

"Ignore them, "The girl next to me whispered, "They don't know shit and will probably end up being working for you or something in the future."

I nodded awkwardly and didn't reply to her statement,

"Damn, "She smirks, "You're shy."

"I guess, "I muttered.

"We're friends now, little dude."

We were literally the same age and she was much smaller than me.

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