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Dylan Blake

I passed by the living room, trying not to look at the twins' friends, and made my way to the kitchen for some water.

It was late and I woke up in the middle of the night but the group with my siblings came earlier and I don't know what were they doing but they were still there after a long time and it seemed like they were staying over.

I poured some water into a glass and took a sip before I jumped when I saw someone approaching me from behind.

"Woah," Nate chuckled, "I didn't mean to startle you."

"No, I'm sorry."I shook my head, "I shouldn't get scared easily."

"You know that you don't have to apologize for everything  that you do, right?"He pointed out.

"I know."I shrugged, "How come you guys are still here?"

"We were just hanging out and it got late."
That was all he said.

"Cool," I said awkwardly.

"Can I have that glass?"He pointed at my hand.

"Don't you want another?"I asked, "I have my germs all over it."


I have always had a problem with germs.
It was one of the reasons why I wasn't popular in high school. I'm the person in the tv show that would wipe their fruits before eating them or hold a door handle with a tissue because that was how much of a freak I was.

"Yeah, okay, you can have it, "I said and handed him in the glass but pulled it back when he was about to grab it. I wiped the glass with a tissue and gave him the glass.

"That's cute."He grinned.

"What is?"I asked.

"People did say that you are a germ freak but it's cuter than it is weird."He remarked with a small smile.

I could feel the burn on my cheeks as the blush came creeping in.

During that moment, Kyle came into the kitchen and I lowered my face to cover the blush.

"What are you doing up so late, love?"Kyle said in a terrible fake British accent,
"Maybe you can show me your bedroom and I can tuck you in."

"Nice try, dickface but he thinks that you're a douchebag and you should go back home and jerk off to that shirtless picture of your cousin that you got three years ago," Nate said in a serious tone.

"She's my mother's cousin's child, it doesn't count as family."Kyle pointed out.

"Go," Nate said in a scary tone and Kyle didn't hesitate to obey him.

"I'm sorry," Nate shook his head, "He's the worst."

I nodded awkwardly and took a glance at his blue sea-like eyes that almost drove me crazy.

"You do have to go to bed."He pointed out, "You have school tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay."


The next day at school, my new "friend",
Emily kept following me around with a notebook in her hand while observing me.

"I don't want to be rude but what are you doing?"I finally ask.

"You're like really interesting, Lil guy."She started, "The introvert brother of the two most popular people in town is the perfect topic for the school's magazine."

"Excuse me?"I raised my eyebrows, "Are you writing about me?"

"Yes," She said bluntly and wrote something down in her notebook.

"I didn't give you my permission."I pointed out.

"Can I write about you in the magazine?"She asked sarcastically.

I genuinely thought that she wanted to be friends with me but she, like everyone else, was just using me to get what she wanted and that just made me so angry.

"You can't write about me."I said coldly and closed my locker, "I'm not that interesting,"

She frowned before I turned around and walked away to the library during my free period.

There, I placed my bag on one of the chairs and took out a notebook to do some studying,

After a few minutes, I noticed someone coming in and that person sat in front of me with his head down.

"Hey, it's you."He said while looking left and right, "I'm not a nerd or anything, I'm just here to hide from your siblings."

"Why would I think you're a nerd?"I asked.

"Because it's the library."He pointed out,
"Only nerds come here."

I raised my eyebrows and his face started to fill with regret, "Not that you're a nerd."He added.

"Damn it, Nate."

Nate cringe when he heard my brother's voice, "For the last time, Brad, I'm not doing it."

"Come on," Brad groaned, "You don't have to do anything with her, I just need some alone time with her friend so that we can bone. And you can do the same with her if you want to."

"That's disgusting, Brad."I pointed out harshly, "Why do you always have to talk like that?"

"What's up with him?"Brad whispered to Nate and he shrugged.

"Why can't you ask Kyle?"Nate asked seriously.

"Are you kidding?"Brad said with a straight face, "No."

"Than find someone else, "Nate muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"It's just one date."Brad pointed out, "And then, all of us will be hanging out in the cabin for the weekend."

"Yeah, Brad, I'll cancel all of my weekend plans just so that I can go hang out at a cabin that you just invited me to," Nate said sarcastically.

"Bella texted you, don't be so dramatic."
Brad rolled his eyes.

I noticed that Nate did not want to go with them and it got me wondering if this happens to him a lot. It was very obvious that twins control their clique but do they take a "no" for an answer? That was one of the many reasons why I always stayed away from them.

"Fine," Nate sighed, "I'll go but I have a request."

"And what is that?"Brad raised his eyebrows.

"Your brother comes with us to the cabin."

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