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Dylan Blake

Christmas break finally started and I decided that it was best for me to stay at my grandparents' ranch earlier than I should have been because I did not have the best relationship with Bella and I just needed a break from everything. My family would still be joining us but not until a week or so.

"Is that all?"Mason asked me after helping me out with my bags.

"Yeah, thanks, Mase."I nodded.

"Don't call me that."He frowned and went outside of the room.

I looked through the window and seeing what used to be grass turned into the snow was very beautiful.

"Sweetheart?"I heard my grandmother called from outside of the room and came in slowly with a cup in her hand, "I made you some hot chocolate."

"Thank you, "I said with a weak smile and grabbed the cup.

"What's wrong?"She asked softly, "You don't look like yourself."

"I just miss my parents."I lied.

She then sat down on the bed and gestured for me to sit next to her,
"You know, when you called me, we were happy to hear that you wanted to spend the holidays with us. So much so that your grandfather bought you a bed to sleep in this room."

"You didn't have to, "I said politely.

"He really wanted to."She added, "Plus, the twins can sleep on the couch when they arrive because you're the only one getting a room."

"Where is grandpa, anyways?"I asked.

"I think he's checking on the horses."
She mentioned, "You should go and say hi to him."

I nodded and went outside to the stable and saw my grandfather feeding the horses.

"Grandpa?"I called.

"Dylan, "He embraced as if he hasn't seen me in years and hugged me tightly,
"You have grown so much."

"I visited you a few weeks ago."
I pointed out.

"Well, pardon my old self but you do look different."He added, "You got a haircut and you dress differently."

"Yeah," I said awkwardly.

"I kinda like the old haircut but what do I know?"He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my shoulder as we went outside.

Nate Carter

"Wake up, Nate."My mother said angrily,
"It's 11 a.m."

"I don't have school."I groaned.

"You need to take your sister to her rehearsal."She demanded.

"What rehearsal?"I asked in a raspy tone and could feel myself drifting off to sleep.

I felt my mother hit me with a pillow on my shoulder," Her school is making a play for the community on Christmas and you're sending her, NOW!"

"Fine, "I sighed, "Like right now?"

"I said NOW!"

I rushed downstairs and saw Ivy already ready in the living room.

"Come on, "I gestured for her to follow me as I grabbed the keys. I didn't even shower or change clothing.


I stayed for a few minutes to see Ivy looking adorable in her tiger outfit, which I find odd because it was supposed to be Christmas-themed but it's mostly about animals in the jungle. There wasn't even snow in it.

While making my way out, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry-"The person didn't finish his sentence as he was glaring at me.
It didn't take me long to find out that it was actually Dylan's father, "You're the asshole that lied to my son."

"I didn't...You know what, I'm not in the mood for this."I gave up after being exhausted from explaining myself to everyone for the past few weeks.

"I really want to punch you in the face but there are people around."He threatened.

"Please don't," I said calmly.

He nodded and that seemed to be the end of the concert as I tried to walk away.

"You know that you really hurt him, right?"He said disappointedly and that caught my attention, "He is so upset that he had to go stay with his grandparents for a few weeks."

"I know."I sighed, "He does not deserve what I did to him."

"He doesn't."He agreed.

There was a small silence before he opened his mouth again, "Come on, let me get you something to eat, son."

I was shocked at his sudden generosity because he was literally threatening to punch me a few seconds ago but declining would probably made him angry again,
"Yeah, sure."

Dylan Blake

"The trick is, you have to be confident."
Mason explained, "And try not to touch its eyes."

Riding a horse during the snow wasn't the smartest idea but I felt like I needed to do something brave for once in my life.

"You swear that you won't tell your grandfather that I help you if you get injured?"He said seriously.

"Yes, I swear, "I reassured.

He examined my face, "I don't trust you."
He stated, "I'm just gonna hold the horse while you ride."

"No, "I declined, "That just defeats the purpose."

"Then I'll ride with you."He suggested,
"Yeah, that's a better idea."

He made me went back and sat in front of me on the horse, which made me uncomfortable how close his body was near mine but he did smell nice for someone that works at a barn.

"Hold on my waist."He suggested and I hesitated, "What are you afraid of? I don't bite."

I wrapped my arms around his waist from behind him and he started to use the rope thing to move the horse.

The thrill went inside of my body like electricity and I could feel the cold snowy wind coming at me.

"How are you doing back there?"He asked me.

"Awesome," I said loud enough for him to hear.


I chuckled at the joke that Mason just said while he walked me back to the house even though it was literally in front of the barn.

"You two seem to bond."My grandfather remarked.

"Yeah, you have a cool grandson there, Rob."Mason smiled at me.

"You should join us for dinner."My grandfather added.

"I don't want to impose."He said politely.

"You should," I said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll stay for a bit."He added.

There was something about Mason that I found so interesting because of how real he was. I wasn't in love with him or anything but I'm pretty sure that I'm having a small crush on him.

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