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Dylan Blake

I saw a picture of a clown on my locker and sigh before taking it away. I was still afraid of clowns but a small picture wasn't enough to get me all freakout.

Kyle had told everyone else about what happened after he was kicked out of the group and used me as a revenge plot.

People kept calling me a "freak" and made fun of me. I tried to ignore them but it was hard if they kept on trying to scare me from a few corners that I passed by.
I knew that they won't go too far because my siblings would probably destroy them if they did tho.

During lunch break, I sat alone in the cafeteria and wiped the apple that I brought from home with some tissues to get the germs out.

"Freak, "I heard a boy muttered and passed me by.

I ignored him and finally took a bite of my food.

I then saw someone sat at the same table as me and I looked up to see Nate smiling widely at me.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"I'm sitting with my friend."He said casually and took out his lunch.

I didn't reply and stared at him for eating the disgusting cafeteria food that seemed unclean.

"It's the clown freak."Another person made fun of me.

"Oi, "Nate stood up, "Go find someone else to pick on or I'll fucking kick your ass."

That scared the group off and Nate continued to eat his lunch like he didn't just defend me in front of a lot of people.

"Why aren't you hanging out at your usual table."I finally asked.

"They're no fun."He shrugged, "Plus, you look like you need someone to accompany you."

"Thanks, I guess, "I mumbled.

It was nice having him around even though he was just sitting with me because he felt back. At least no one was going to pick on me when he's around.
I mean, just look at him, he is perfectly fit and his face may look calm and absolutely mesmerizing but I have seen him get angry and it ain't pretty.

"Is everyone bothering you?"He asked with a sympathetic tone,

"A little bit."I mumbled, "But I'm fine.
They haven't done anything too crazy."


I heard a familiar voice and Nate's calm face suddenly turned red and he stood up to block Kyle from getting any closer to me.

"What do you want?"Nate crossed his arms across his chest.

"I just came to apologize, "He said to me.

"Don't talk to him."Nate warned, "You think an apology is going to let the twins get you back into the group?"

"Why is it hard so hard for you to believe that I want to make it right with the kid."Kyle defended.

"I'm giving you 8 seconds to walk away or this is going to get ugly."Nate threatened.

"What's going on here?"Brad came up to us with Bella next to him.

"Nothing, Kyle was just leaving, "Nate said while glaring at Kyle.

Kyle made a smart decision to walk away as everyone glared at him.

"What did he say?"Brad asked Nate.

I also decided to walk away because we had gotten a lot of attention and it was enough to make me uncomfortable,


Word got around fast and every class that I went to seemed to be talking about me and it annoyed me way too much.

Nothing even happened but people are making up stories about what happened and I even heard one that said I punched Kyle in the face.

"Hey," Emily said awkwardly after I entered the class.


I wasn't angry at Emily but I was still upset that she followed me around the whole school just to study me like I'm a lab rat to write about me.

"How are you holding up?"She asked,
"After the fight and all."

There was literally no fight.

"I'm fine."I sighed.

"Cool," She nodded.

After the class ended, I went outside to wait for the twins so that they could send me home but Emily followed me from behind and grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey," She said softly, "I'm sorry, okay.
What I did was crappy and I promise that I won't do it again."

"Is that it?"I raise my eyebrows. I wasn't expecting more but come on, she could have done much more better than that.

"Pretty much," She said bluntly.

"Yeah, it's fine," I said casually.

"So, we can be friends again?"

"Umm...yeah, okay, whatever, "I said awkwardly.

I then noticed that Brad had arrived and she waved me goodbye as I got in the backseat of the car.

"Who is she?"Bella asked sarcastically,
"Is she your GIRLFRIEND?"

"What, no."I said seriously, "She's just a friend, stop being weird."

"Aww," Brad smiled widely, "You finally made a friend."

I guess I did.


"Dad, "Brad called, "Dylan made a new friend."

"You don't have to announce it to everyone, "I mumbled.

"Really, "My father exclaimed and gave me a hugged in which, I didn't return.

"It's not a big deal, dad."I groaned, "The twins are just being dramatic,"

"I need to meet him."My father said excitedly, "Invite him over for a dinner."

"This why I didn't want you to tell him."I said to Brad, "No, dad, I'm not inviting her to dinner just so that you can scare her off."

"I don't scare people off."He defended,
"How would you even know, you never invite anyone over?"

I was not even gonna fight him on that.

"I have homework, "I chuckled, "Stop being weird."

"Nerd," Brad made fun of me as I walked up the stairs to my room.

I sat on my bed while doing my homework but I got distracted when I heard a ding from my phone. It was extremely odd because I never get notifications from anyone.

I looked at the contact and it was an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey

Me: Hi, who is this??

Unknown: It's Sherlock Holmes


Unknown: Like the detective, Sherlock

Me: I know who Sherlock Holmes is...

Unknown: You sure do like to use those dots.

Me: This is Nate, isn't it?

Unknown: Guilty!

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