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Dylan Blake

I was standing in the corner inside of the cabin uncomfortably as there were too many people there.

Brad and Nate brought their date while Bella invited her friend, Maya, and boyfriend and for some reason, Kyle invited himself to the cabin.

"Come sit next to me, buddy."Bella gestured for me to sit next to her and I made my way across the living room, passing by everyone to sit next to her, "Are you okay?"She whispered,

"Yeah," I nodded, "This is fun," I said weakly.

That made her smile, "I'm happy to hear that."She said softly.

My sights then turned to Nate, who seemed annoyed at the girl who was clinging onto him.

His eyes widened when he saw mine and a small smile grew on his face, making my heart fluttered a bit.

"This is boring."Kyle groaned, "Can't we do anything fun."

"I would say hiking but it's already dark outside," Brad mentioned.

"You know what, "Bella stood up, "Why not? Let's just do it."

"You can't be serious," Nate said seriously.

"I'm dead serious," She exclaimed.

"I'm in."Her boyfriend, Ryan stood up with her.


I was forced into it by my siblings and thought that I could at least go with them or Nate but they paired me up with Kyle and all of us got separated.

"Can you turn on the flashlight?"I uttered out nervously.

"Why?"He raised her eyebrows, "You scared of the dark or something?"

"No," I defended, "I don't want to step on anything."

"Oh my god," He smiled mischievously,
"You totally are."

"I'm not."

"Okay," He nodded with a grin, "Then I'll just leave you here, in the dark."

He went further away, "Please don't."I begged but he ignored me and walked away faster into the dark, "Kyle, "I yelled but he ignored me again before I couldn't see him anymore.

I was left all alone in the cold and dark night l, where I don't know the way back to the cabin.

I tried to keep it cool but I was shivering and tried to walk back to the cabin but it was dark and I could barely see anything.

I also tried to use my phone to call anyone but there was no signal. Of course, there wasn't cause why not?

I walked further and further into the forest and stopped when I heard a whisper,

"I know that's you, Kyle."I pointed out loudly, "Please come out of there."

"Dylan, "He whispered again.

"This is not funny."

I quickly jumped when I saw a clown in the middle of the woods and my head started to get dizzy as the tears fell down my eyes and I could barely catch my breath.

I had a major fear of clowns and even if this was a stupid prank, my hearts started to raise and I saw Kyle taking the mask off but my emotions got the best of me as I was hyperventilating.

"Shit," He ran towards my location.


"What happened?"Brad asked Kyle worriedly, "Breath, Dylan."

"Get him water," Bella told Ryan and he walked to the kitchen in a fast-paced.

Bella then gave me her hand, "Squeeze my hand, buddy and focus on me."She instructed, "Breath, sweetheart."

I squeezed her hand and felt myself calming down as I started to breathe normally.

"You're okay, buddy," Bella said softly and rubbed my head.

"I want to go home."I sobbed and could feel myself getting back to normal,
"I don't want to be here anymore."

Everyone was standing around me and looked really worried about me, even Brad and Nate's dates, who didn't know me.

"What happened?"Brad clenched his teeth.

I looked at Kyle and he had a look of regret on his face, "I just got paranoid."I couldn't tell them that it was Kyle because Brad would have killed him.

"You're lying."Brad said angrily and saw me looking at Kyle, "Did he do this?"He pointed his finger at Kyle and I didn't reply.

"Did you do this?"Brad grabbed a hold of Kyle's shirt collar, "What the fuck did you do?"

"It was just a harmless prank."Kyle defended, "I just tried to scare him with my clown mask."

"He's  coulrophobia, you asshole."Bella spat, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"What does that mean??"He asked casually, making Brad's glare wider.

"He's afraid of clowns."Brad raised his fist but I stopped him.

"I'm fine, Brad."I assured him, "Please don't hurt him."

Brad tends to get violent when someone pisses him off and he obviously seemed angry at the moment.

I managed to calm him down a little bit but he was still glaring at Kyle.

"Can I go home?"I asked again.

"I don't know, it's kinda late."Brad said seriously, "I'm not comfortable driving this late."

"I can drive him, "Nate interjected.

Brad looked at Nate weirdly before turning to me, "Do you trust him?"

I nodded and that was enough for Brad to let Nate take me home. He gestured for Nate to go and it seemed like Kyle wasn't going to stay either.


The ride home was very awkward because Nate didn't say anything to me. He probably didn't know the right thing to say.

He pulled over at my house and looked at me.

"You gave me a good scare back there."Nate pointed out.

"I'm sorry."I mumbled, "You probably think that I'm a freak now, like everyone else."

"No," He said softly, "You're human, Dylan and I like that about you because I haven't seen that in a while. Being part of the 'gang' is nice and all but none of them is really like you."

"Okay."I cringe at those words that came out of my mouth as I didn't know how to reply to all of that, "I mean, I'm...I'm just gonna go."

I tried to get out of the car but it was a lock.
He didn't say anything about it and instead looked deeply into my eyes with those sea-blue eyes that looked like they were glowing under the street lights.

"Do you mind?"I pointed at the door.

"Yeah," He shrugged and unlocked the door.

I tried to opened it again but failed.

"You just have to...Let me."He moved closer to me and opened the door from the passenger seat. He succeeded in it but didn't go back to his seat. Instead, our eyes were locked together and his face was very close to mine.

My heart started to pound and I jumped out of the car, falling face-first to the ground.

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