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Nate Carter

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

That poem seemed to be stuck in my head as we protested all around town to reach the town hall.

"Stop attacking us."

"Stop attacking our friends."

Everyone chanted two different things as those words were symbolic to say that the cops are not only ruining the lives of people of color but also the lives of their loved ones.

After we finally reached the town hall,
there were a bunch of cops in riot uniforms protecting the building.

Maya was the voice of the whole protest thing and for some reason, Bella decided to use the opportunity to stand next to her just to seem more passionate about it.
She needed to know that this thing was way more important than her stupid social status. Nonetheless, no one said anything about it.

"Can I have everyone's attention?"Maya said on the megaphone and everyone stopped chanting, "All of these people standing in front of us, they're the reason why my friend, Ryan is in the hospital and we need to show them that we're not afraid of them. Chant with me."

"Stop attacking us!"

"Stop attacking our friends!"

"Fuck the police."Bella took over the megaphone and people started to cheer.

"Fuck the police."The people cheered.

I look over at Brad and couldn't help but let out a smile as I was impressed at how cool it was that all of it was working. I had my doubts about it at first because of you know...Bella but everything seemed to went accordingly to plan.

Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

"Fuck the police."I cheered with everyone else.

"This your first and only warning, "One of the cops said on another megaphone,
"You have 15 seconds to finish this up or we will force to be violent,"

"Fuck you!"Bella said on the megaphone and everyone started to cheer, "We will keep on standing here."

"We will keep on standing here!"Everyone cheered.

That's when the tear gas was dropped and I felt some burn in my eyes while my nose started to get watery.

It was hella uncomfortable but was not enough to stop us as many people were still protesting including Maya, Bella, and Brad.

"This will not scare us away," Maya said on the megaphone and coughed.

"Here, "Brad gave me a gallon of milk,
"It's for your eyes."

He spilled the milk on my eyes and I could finally see better again.

More people started to scatter away but there were still enough people to protest,

The cops then started to fire dart guns on us and that was when even more people started to leave.

I was shot on the leg and lost my balance before a cop tackled me to the ground and pinned me. I noticed that some other people were also being arrested.

"Fuck you, asshole."I spat and my eyes were burning again after more tear gas fell to the floor.

That seemed too pissed of the cop and I flinched as he took his fist up before connecting it to my face.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
Stormed at with shot and shell,

It was lights out after that.


After getting bailed out by Brad, they suggested that I went to the hospital because the wound on my leg that I got from the dart gun did not seem normal and they were worried that it was infected.

So, I was there on the hospital bed, waiting for the doctor to say that I was fine so that everyone will stop feeling sorry for me.

"How come you guys didn't get arrested?"I asked.

"We bailed after they started attacking you, "Bella explained.

"That's smart."I pointed out.

"Mr. Carter, "The doctor came in and examined his clipboard, "Although you didn't sustain any injuries, I suggest that you take your antibiotics for a few weeks."

"That's it?"Maya asked.

"Pretty much."The doctor said, "You can be discharged as soon as your parents settle the paperwork."

The doctor then left and I felt calmer when I saw Dylan walking in with his face looking all worried.

"Hey, "I sat up, tensing a bit because I was afraid that he was scared for me.

"Can you guys help my mom settle the paperwork?"I ask everyone so that they would leave Dylan and me alone.

All of them nodded awkwardly before leaving.

"What did the doctor say?"He sat on the bed, "Is there anything serious?"

"Nope, "I said casually, "I'm a big boy, I don't get hurt easily."

"Nate, "He cringes, "I told you to leave when things start to get crazy."

"I know you did."I sigh, "I'm sorry."

"When Bella posted the video, I got super worried."

"What video?"I raised my eyebrows.

"The one with the cop shooting you in the leg and the other when they pinned you down."He took out his phone and showed the video to me.

I was beyond angry that Bella would post that because I knew that all of this plot was to get the media attention and with the looks of it, it did.

She just had to put me in the middle of it.

"Unbelievable."I said angrily, "Can you distract me so that I won't fucking punch something."

"What do you want me to do?"He asked.

"I don't know, kiss me or something."

That made him silent and I quickly regretted saying that in the first place,
"What?"He gulped.

"I was joking."I chuckled, "You don't have to do it. If you don't want to."I mumbled the last part.

He looked directly into my eyes and his face was filled with confusion.

"I don't mind."He finally said but he looks like he thought about that after a very long time.

That caught me off guard and I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle,
"Are you sure about this? I mean, I don't want to pressure you into anything."

"No," He shrugged, "I want to."

He gained some confidence saying that but I could still see how nervous he was as I placed my hand on the side of his neck and gently lean him closer to my face to look at his beautiful brown eyes before pressing my lips on his.

Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred!

A/N:I know that this chapter is kinda controversial but I feel like as a person of colour that some of us needs this to be heard and to show what it's really like out there now.

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