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Dylan Blake

School had been rough after I broke up with Nate and now, Emily won't even talk to me anymore. I was back at where I started, eating alone at the lunch table.

Nate was not sitting with the twins as he was having lunch with Ryan at a different table after what happened the night before. I swore that I saw him glancing at me for a few seconds before turning away.

I couldn't help but giving him a glance when he didn't notice but I felt some wet liquids falling down my hair.

I looked up to see Emily holding a cup, laughing at me with Kyle next to her,
"I think you got a little something there."
She remarked sarcastically.

"Why?"I stood up and clenched my teeth.

"Because, "She smirked, "You're a loser.
Kyle told me what you did to him."

"I didn't do anything to him."I defended.

"Really?"She asked sarcastically, "So you never got him kicked out of a group because you were uncomfortable with him around?"

"Can't you see what he's doing here?"I said angrily, "He's manipulating you to do this to your friend."

"You're not my friend."She said coldly.

"Do we have a problem here?"Nate came and stood in front to face the two.

"We were just leaving."Kyle grabbed Emily's hand and left.


"Here," Nate handed me a hoodie after I went to get clean up near his car at the parking lot outside of the school, "You need to change."

I grabbed the hoodie without making eye contact with him and backed away slowly,
"Can you..."I said awkwardly, "Umm, cover me so that no one will see."

"Yeah, okay."He nodded and turned around, crossing his arms over his chest while blocking anyone from seeing me change my shirt.

"I'm done," I announced after a few seconds.

"Okay," He turned around and didn't say anything else after that.

"I should get to class, "I mentioned.

"Yes, you should."He said awkwardly.

I nodded and tried to pass through him but he blocked me from going any further, "We need to talk about last night, Dylan."

"Not here, "I said coldly.

I continued to walk away before I heard him say, "My father is in prison."He announced loudly and that caught my attention. He walked closer to me and stood in front of me again, "He was in the army but got dishonorably discharged after they find out that he was..."He choked on his words, "He was doing drugs because he was suffering from PTSD from the war. After a few years, he even started to sell drugs and one of his buyers overdosed in front of him and he was charged with fourth-degree murder, possession of drugs, and lots more charges that I can't remember. I found the necklace in his room after he was gone and never knew why I kept it because I was embarrassed by him, as cruel as that sounds. That's why I lied to you and tell you that he is dead."

I was silent and my heart started to sink,
"I am so sorry, Nate."That was all I said before I wrapped my arms behind his neck and hugged him tightly. He hugged me from my waist.

"I miss you."He whispered.

"I miss you too."I backed away and sigh,
"But you lied to me, Nate. Not just about your father, which is totally understandable but when I found out that the only reason that you even look at me was that Bella asked you to and that hurt, Nate. It hurt so much that I can't even tell when you're being real or you're just doing another task for Bella."

"I'm not anymore."He defended and his voice cracked a bit.

"But I don't know that."I squeaked as the tears fell down my cheeks.

"You have to."He begged, "Because I love you, Dylan."

"And I love you too but that doesn't mean that I'm obligated to be with you."
I said harshly, "I'm sorry, Nate but we just can't be together. At least not right now."

He didn't reply but I could see how tense his face became and his eyes got all teary but he didn't let any tears out to keep his masculinity intact ad he always did.

"I'm not giving up on this."He said seriously.

Nate Carter

"You okay, dude?"Ryan asked me, "You seemed kinda tense during practice."

We rarely train for football except for when we have a game nearby even though our school never wins. We had some good players like Brad and myself but then there's Ryan, who can never focus during a game.

"Dylan made it clear that we're over, "I explained.

"That sucks."Ryan pouted, "If it makes you feel any better, I broke up with Bella."

"What?"I raised my eyebrows, "When?"

"Literally the second I heard the news that she got in between you and Dylan."

"You didn't have to do that."I pointed out.

"I wanted to do it for a while now."He shrugged, "I just realized how crazy she actually is."

My attention then turned to Dylan who was sitting on the bleachers and he looked like he was studying because he was holding a book.

"He's waiting for his siblings, I think."Ryan noticed me starring.

"Yeah, most likely."I agreed.

I wished that I was still the one that drives him home and kisses him goodbye every day after school but I fucked up at making it work with him and my life felt like I was back at the dark place before he came along.

"Come on, you need a distraction."Ryan pulled me away from my thoughts,
"You need a drink, man."

Dylan Blake

"Did you wait for too long?"Brad asked me after they arrived at the car, "Practice was kinda crazy today."

Brad had been extra nice to me ever since the whole thing with Nate because he probably felt bad that he didn't defend me. He might have his flaws but Brad was a way better sibling than Bella.

"Cheerleading practice was rough too."
Bella interjected but Brad and I ignored her.

I was still upset with Bella for making Nate become friends with me to have me under her string and then make us break up when she found out that we were together. Brad on the other hand was also angry at Bella for doing something so twisted to their brother.

"Come on, not you too, Brad."Bella groaned, "It's not that big of a deal."

"Not a big deal?"I clenched my teeth,
"You will never feel the love that Nate has given me because you're a jerk that only thinks about herself and her status without thinking about everyone around her and who she has hurt."I spat and the tears came down my cheeks quickly, "You used to be so nice when we were younger but I don't know who you are anymore."My voice cracked.

Probably not the best way to start a car ride.

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