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Dylan Blake

I noticed Nate drinking water from the water tap and that made me felt disgusted because I didn't know when I was kissing him again but I was sure that it wasn't going to be that day.

He noticed me starring at him and he smiled at me before walking past me and gave me a small wink.

That was enough to make my heart flutter because he was very charming and he didn't even have to say anything to look like it.

"What are you blushing about?"Emily asked me.

"I wasn't...Never mind."I shrugged, "I haven't seen you in a while.".

"Yeah, my grandmother died."She said casually.

"I'm sorry."I said softly, "That's terrible."

"Don't be."She shrugged, "She was a bitch."

They must have had a good relationship.


During lunch, Nate sat with both of us as he always did and I just like how he hasn't treated me any differently since we got together.

He would also smile at me once in a while for no reason during lunch.

"Why do you keep giving him googly eyes?" Emily asked Nate bitterly.

Emily never really like Nate for one obvious reason:

He is a boy and Emily hated boys like hates them for no apparent reason.
It was kinda hard for me because I wanted to be friends with her and at the same time, be able to hang out with Nate but that was almost impossible if she kept on acting like that.

"Wouldn't you?"Nate grinned, "I mean,
just look at him."

"I'm just gonna ignored that."She shrugged and turned to me, "Are we hanging out today?"

"Can't."Nate answered for me, "He has plans with me."

"I do?"I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll pick you up at 6."He winked at me before grabbing his tray and left.

"Wait a minute."Emily thought about something, "Are you two..."I didn't answer, which made her scoffed, "Oh my god. Out of all the guys, you chose the popular guy. Bad move, Dylan, real bad."

"What's the problem of seeing someone popular?"I asked.

"For starters, you're not in his league and that can make some crazy bitches get jealous of you. Secondly, he looks like one of those guys that carry dark secrets in fan fiction."

"Are you serious?"I chuckled, "Nate is a nice guy. He may be out of my league but that doesn't make him treat me any differently. And Nate is not carrying some big dark secret."

"You sure about that?"She raised her eyebrows, "Something just seems off about him."


I went home only to see my dad back so early because he wanted to spend time with my mother who he rarely sees.

"Hey, buddy, good thing that you're home.
I need to talk to you."He said and followed me to my room.

He sat on my desk chair and I had a feeling that he was going to give me a weird "dad" talk.

"So, "He started, "I noticed that you and Nate got closer."


"I saw you two kissing."He pointed out.

"Were you spying on me?"I asked angrily.

"I mean come on, Dylan, he showed up with a box of chocolate and some flowers.
I needed to know if he was about to do anything sketchy but he did that instead."
He explained.


"And I wanted to know if he is okay or not."He pointed out, "I trust that you have good taste in who you spend your time with but I want to know if he treats you well or not since you know...He's friends with your siblings and the group tend to act like...assholes."

"Yeah, no."I shrugged, "Nate is great,
dad. You don't have to worry about him."

"Good," He sighed, "Now, if you're going to have sex just remember that-"

"Oh my god."I groaned and covered my ears as I walked out of the room.

I went downstairs and he was still following me, "It's an important topic, Dylan."My father pointed out.

"Mom, tell dad to stop talking about sex, "I called for her.

" Pat, don't traumatised the kid yet."
She said sarcastically.

"Your grandfather gave me the same talk when I was going to marry your mother and I didn't complain."He mentioned, "And our first night together..."

At that moment, the door rang and I cursed under my breath because I was pretty sure that Nate was early.

Nate Carter

I waited at the front door and Dylan opened the door with a bunch of yelling behind me.

"Let's go, hurry."He grabbed my wrist and tried to lead me to my car.

"Carter, "We heard his father called and Dylan immediately cringe, "Why don't you cancel your plans and come have dinner with us. The twins are out and it's getting kinda quiet."

"He doesn't want to."Dylan pointed out

"That wasn't a request."His father warned with a deceitful smile on his face,
"Come on in."

I nodded and turned to Dylan who looked worried. I grabbed his hand and went inside his house to sit at the dinner table.

I was sitting next to Dylan and both his parents were sitting across from us like they wanted to interrogate me.

"So, Nathaniel Carter, "Dylan's father started, "What are your intentions with my son, really?"

"I-I don't know how to reply to that," I said bluntly.

"How so?"He asked.

"Is there really a right answer to that?"I asked.

"There are no wrong answers either."He pointed out.

"You can also not answer at all."Dylan said seriously, "He's just acting crazy all of the sudden."

"This food is amazing, Mrs. Blake, "I said politely, trying to change the topic.

"Thank you, sweetheart."She said with a smile, "But you're not fooling me with that act."Her face turned stone cold, "Hurt our son and we will bury your entire family in a swamp."

"You too, mom?"Dylan cringe.

Dylan's parents were obviously chaotic and I was kinda scared that they might have actually been serious about everything that they said.

"Now, "His father started, "I wanted to have this conversation with Dylan alone just now but now that you're here, we can finally talk, man to man."

"Please don't."Dylan covered his face with the palm of his hand.

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