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Nate Carter

"Can we talk somewhere else.?"Dylan asked me and before I knew it, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside to go inside the barn that smelled like horse shit. The horses that were inside the stables did explain the smell.

Dylan didn't say anything but crossed his arms over his chest as he still seemed confused about what was going on.

"What are you doing here, Nate?"He asked seriously.

"You're father invited me, "I mentioned.

"Okay, why did you accept his offer?"He asked angrily.

"Isn't it obvious? I wanted to see you."
I said seriously, "I wanted to make things right with you."

"Look, Nate, "He started, "The whole reason why I came here in the first place is to get away from all the drama back home and you're not helping by being here."

"I gave you time."I pointed out, "Now, I'm here, and please just let me say this."

He nodded and let me continued,
"I didn't mean to hurt you, Dylan, and I shouldn't have tried to change you because you're perfect just the way you are. I was stupid to even try that. I'm not asking you to get back together with me but I just can't lose you in my life. I want you to call me or not call me because I want you to have to option to do so. I just want us to be on good terms."

I saw Dylan frown and he almost looked like he was about to cry, "I-I can do that."
He mumbled, "But it's not going to happen overnight, Nate."

"Yes, I know."I said, sounding a bit too excited, "Take as long as you want."

He nodded, "I should go see my parents."


I was finally able to breathe and decided to walk around the huge barn and saw that there were a lot of animals there. On my left, there were a stable and some cows outside of it. On my right, there was some chicken. Then a dog came running to greet me.

"Hey, there, little guy."I went on my knees and started to pet the dog, "What's your name?"I looked at his collar and saw "Buster" written on it.

"That dog has been around here forever."

I turned around to see Brad standing behind me.

"Cool," I said casually and stood up.

I was shocked that Brad was talking to me because he hasn't said anything to me in weeks.

"Do you need something?"I asked him.

"Nope, "He shook his head, "I just wanted to ask you how you were doing."

I didn't believe for a second that this guy suddenly wanted to be friends with me and I could smell the mischief that he was up to.

"I'm good, thanks," I said bitterly.

"I'm sorry about Bella."He uttered out,
"I was angry at you for being with Dylan and when I realized that this was all part of Bella's twisted game, I knew that she crossed a line."

"Look, Brad, "I started, "I didn't come here to be friends with you again or whatever,
I came to make things right with Dylan,
which I did and I have no reason to stay here."

"You literally don't have any way to get home."Brad pointed out.

"I'll think of something in the morning."

Dylan Blake

"Nate, "I said in a confused tone, "What are you doing?"

He shut the door behind him and immediately hovered over me, pressing his lips on mine. I lost control of my body and kept up with the sync of his mouth as he took over my mouth with his tongue. The darkness and silence of the night were enough to make me wanted him as my body was filled with lust and I needed him, needed him more than anything at the moment.

I woke up in shock in the middle of the night. Everything was almost the same except for the fact that Nate's was not there in my bedroom. Even so, my heart was still racing and I realized that I needed a glass of water so I went downstairs and passed through the living room, where Nate and the twins slept on a mattress on the floor.

I took a glass out and started wiping them with some tissues.

"Can't sleep?"

My heart started racing again when I saw Nate standing near the kitchen door. After the dream I had, looking at him in the eyes was kinda difficult.

"Yeah-I-I was just thirsty."I showed him the glass, "I thought you were asleep."

"Brad is snoring like a lot."He said sarcastically.

"He does that," I said with a smile but it faded when I noticed him starring directly into my eyes. My eyes met a dark blue pair of eyes that was filled with an expression that I couldn't read.

"You can sleep in my bedroom if you want, "I uttered out, not thinking about the words that just came out of my mouth,
"If Brad is bothering you too much."

"Wouldn't that be weird?"He asked.

"It can be."I pointed out.

He turned around to look at Brad, who was snoring like a monster and even I would not want that.

"Fuck it, I'm in."

I nodded and he followed me from behind to get inside my room. He shut the door behind us and just stood near it as I went to my bed.

"I can sleep on the floor."He mumbled,

"Okay," I nodded and cringe before releasing the words that could ruin everything, "I wouldn't mind if you want to sleep on the bed with me."

"That would be more comfortable."He said, sounding a bit nervous, "Are you okay with that?"


He slowly went to sit on the bed and laid down on his back, "Is this weird for you?"
He asked softly.

"It is."I mumbled, "But, it's better than letting you sleep on the floor."

Nate gave me a weak smile before I came to my senses and turned around to face the other way.

He didn't move as I tried to cover my eyes and sleep but I couldn't do that while Nate was there. His presence was enough to keep me awake.

I didn't know what I was thinking but all of this confidence grew inside of me as I straddled over Nate and pressed my lips on his.

"Woah, what happened to it's not going to happen overnight?"Nate backed away almost instantly.

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