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Dylan Blake

Nate hovered over me as he pressed his lips on mine and our mouth was moving in sync with each other but I backed awake slowly when I felt something in his pockets. It didn't take me long to realize that it was actually he's...

"Can we slow down?"I asked breathlessly.

"Yeah, sorry."He said and laid next to me on the bed, "I got a bit carried away there."

"You know that I'm not ready to..."

"Totally."He said in an understanding tone, "I don't mind waiting. You mean more to me than just that."

I turned to face him on the bed as he looked up at the ceiling, "Can I ask you something?"I said.

"Shoot."He turned to me so that we were both facing each other on the bed.

"I know that you've been with girls but have you ever been with you know ...boys?"I asked the question that I was dying to ask for a while now.

"I've been with boys before."He pointed out casually, "And I've been with girls too."

"So, you're bisexual?"I asked.

"I don't know."He shrugged, "I've never really thought about it."

"Oh, "I mumbled under my breath and struggled to make eye contact with him after I made it awkward.

"What about you?"He asked me.


"Have you been with any boys before?"He wrapped his right arm around my waist,
"Or girls."

"Neither."I said awkwardly, "You're...Never mind, it's stupid."

"No," He chuckled and raised my chin up,
"Tell me. You got me curious now."

"You are the first person to kiss me."I cringe, "I told you, it's stupid. I sound like a geeky teen drama character."

"You sound just fine to me."He smiled widely and pressed his lips on mine for a short kiss, "I'm honored to be the one that did that first."

"You're way too good for me, "I uttered out, "How did this even happen?"

He laid back and wrapped his arms around me and made me rest my head on his chest, "Don't think about that too much."He said seriously, "Let's just enjoy the moment."

I got comfortable on his chest as the both of us were quiet and I noticed a metal necklace on his neck. It looks like one of those necklaces that soldiers wear.

"How did you get this?"I twirled my fingers around it.

He was silent and I felt like I triggered something from him because he obviously didn't seem comfortable about it, "I am so sorry."I said sincerely and sat up, "I didn't mean to be nosy."

"No, it's fine."He sat up straight, "It was my dad's. One of his buddies gave it to me after he passed away in a war."

I loved how Nate was comfortable enough talking about that to me but I felt bad for him because he looked like he was still upset about it.

"When did it happen?"I squeezed his hand.

"Two years ago."He pointed out.

We sat in uncomfortable silence as I placed him back down to lay on his back so that we could be in the same position as before.

"He wasn't all that special but he was a good dad," Nate said out of nowhere,
"He wasn't home often because he always had to get enlisted somewhere but when he is home, he would teach me things and talk to me about girls like a normal dad would. When he was around, I felt like the world wasn't so fuck up but then he died and everything felt fuck up again."

I looked up at his expressionless face and hugged him from his shoulder,
"Thank you for telling me, "I said softly,
"I wish that I could do something to make you feel better."

"There is one thing."He let out a weak smile and stood up before opening his drawer and taking out a bag,
"Accept this."

"Nate, "I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest, "You didn't have to buy me anything."

"I was passing by a store and saw this shirt on sale. I just thought that it would look nice on you."He explained, "Please take it."

I grabbed the back and took a look at the brown-colored v-neck shirt. It looked familiar but I didn't know where from.

"You'll look beautiful in it."He pointed out.

"Thank you, Nate."I nodded and tiptoed on my feet and wrapped my arms behind his neck to press my lips on his. He immediately melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist as he slipped his tongue inside of my mouth.


I quickly back away from him when we heard a female voice.

"Mom," Nate said in a worried tone,
"I thought that you won't be back until later."

"We decided to come back early."She said with a soft smile and turned to me,
"Hello, I'm Martha."

She let out her hand for me to shake.

It was a bad time to be a germophobe because it would be rude to not shake her hand and I did just made out with her son.

"He has a problem with germs."Nate pointed out to me, "He doesn't like shaking hands."

"No, it's okay," I said politely.

"Do you like hugging?"She asked thoughtfully.

"I don't mind it."

She pulled me in for a big hug.

"Are you staying for dinner?"She asked with a wide smile.

"I don't think I can," I said awkwardly,
"My parents would search the whole town if I return home late."

"Some other time then."She rubbed my upper arm, "I'll leave you two."

She smiled at Nathan like she was proud of him or something and after she was gone, I turned to face Nathan, "That's your mom?"

"Yup."He said casually.

"She seems very nice."I pointed out,
"Comparing to my parents."

"Yeah, "He shrugged, "Do you need a ride home?"

"I can walk."

"Na uh," He shook his head, "I'm not letting your beautiful face gets beat up by some junkies."

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