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Dylan Blake

"Stop being angry."Bella demanded, "I said I'm sorry."

"It's kinda hard to accept that if you're just gonna keep on being embarrassed by me, "I said coldly.

We were inside of the car outside of the school and the twins locked the doors so that Bella could apologize,

"You're not mad at me, right?"Brad asked.

"No, "I assured Brad, "I'm not even that  mad at you too, "I said to Bella, "I'm just very upset and you made me felt very insecure about my social status."

"Social status?"Brad let out a humorous laugh before he noticed me not amused and put on a straight face, "I'm sorry. That was not a joke."

I scoffed, "Let me out of the car, please."

They glanced at each other before unlocking the door and letting me go inside the building.

As always, during my free period, the first place I went was the library to study a bit.

I sat on one of the small tables and took out my textbook.

"I thought that I'd find you here."Nate smiled at me,

"Oh, hey."I said awkwardly, "Do you need something?"

"Nope," He said casually, "I just wanted to hang out...And you look upset, what's wrong?"

I wasn't even showing any signs that I was upset at Bella and it was weird to see how Nate could see right through me even when I didn't want him to.

"It's silly."I shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

"Please tell me, "He said softly.

I still didn't understand why he cared so much and I didn't hate it but he was acting kinda nosy.

"I got into a fight with Bella."I uttered out, "It's just a sibling thing."

"What happened?"

"She got angry when I didn't want to wear clothes the way she wanted me to and said that they had a hard time explaining to people why I was a loser."I explained, "I told you, it's silly."

"It's not."He mentioned, "You shouldn't put up with her if she wants to change you like that. You're already perfect the way you are right now."

"I'm far from it, "I mumbled.

"Hey," He said softly and I looked up to see his face, "Have I ever lied to you?"

"You never got the chance to."I pointed out.

Nate starred at my face with a confused face on and he wanted to say something but we heard someone coughed.

"Hey," Maya said, "Can I sit here?"She pointed at a chair next to me.

"Sure," I nodded.

"I have to go to class," Nate announced and left.

I looked at him leaving before I finally turned to Maya, "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to apologize for last night,"
She said sincerely, "I shouldn't have stood with Bella and made you uncomfortable like that. I know how you get when you don't like something."

"What is that supposed to mean?"I raised my eyebrows.

"You know...You make that weird face?"She explained.

"What face?"I frowned.

"It's like you're upset but you also don't seem that disappointed and...It's hard to explain, never mind."She shrugged, "Anyways, are we good?"

"Yeah, sure."I smiled weakly.

"I also got you these protein bars."She gave me a pack, "I know that you don't like real chocolate, so, here you go,"

"Thank you, Maya."I said sincerely, "I don't want to be rude but I have a test that I have to study for."


I handed the teacher my paper and she looked at it before smiling at me, "I can mark it right now if you want."She suggested.

Mrs. Trevino is one of those teachers that understand what her students are going through and she's one of the teachers that we love because of her kindest and generosity.

After 5 minutes of marking my paper, she had a disappointed face on, "That's odd."

"What is?"I asked worriedly.

"You got a B."

When I heard the news, it felt like my whole world shattered and I wanted nothing more than to jump off the building, "What?"I asked, "Are you pulling a prank again?"

"Nope," She said casually, "You are one mark away from getting an A and I don't mind if you need me to raise it a bit."

"No, "I shook my head, "I don't deserve that."

"It's not a big deal, Dylan."She pointed out.

"It's not fair to everyone else, "I said seriously.

She didn't know how to reply to that and nodded. I then left the room and I almost burst down in tears but I suck it up and ran to the library, where I hid behind one of the shelves. I let the tears fell down my cheeks and felt crappy at the moment. I haven't got a B in any subject since...forever and I didn't know where was my head at during the test.

"There you ar-"

I wiped the tears when I saw Nate standing in front of me,
"You...umm...I accidentally took this just now."He cleared his throat.

He handed me one of my notebooks that I had been looking for for a while.

"Thanks, "I said calmly.

"What happened, Dylan?"He asked seriously, "Is Kyle messing with you again, If he is, I swear that I'll-"

"It's not Kyle, "I assured.

"Then what happened?"He asked again.

"You're gonna laugh," I said without looking directly into his eyes.

"Try me."He smirked.

I sighed, "I got a B in Biology."I sobbed,

I glanced up to him to see that we holding in some laughter, "If you want to laugh just go for it."I insisted.

"I'm sorry."He chuckled, "Are you serious right now?"

"Yes," I muttered.

"Oh," He mumbled under his breath,
"I'm sorry, I guess."He said sounding a bit sarcastic.

"Gee, Nate, that seemed real sincere."I rolled my eyes.

"What can I do to cheer you up?"He asked with a smile.

"I don't think that even you, Nathaniel Carter can cheer me up right now-"

I was confused by his sudden touch as he rested his hand on the side of my neck before  he leaned over and press his lips on mine.

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