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Nate Carter

"You haven't posted something in a while."Bella pointed out, "You need to post something so that people know that the group is still relevant."

Being popular and recognized in public is fun and all but being controlled by the two most self-absorbed twins in the world can be a pain.

Brad could control his craziness but Bella...I've never met anyone like her.
She's manipulative and mean.No one has seen her dark side except for everyone in the group.

"I'll take a picture of you right now."She yanked my phone from my hand and forced me to smile for the camera.

I did so and she snapped the picture,
"Perfect."She handed me the phone after taking a glance at it.

When I looked at it, it looked good with the sunlight behind me even though we were sitting at a table outside of a basic restaurant in the middle of the town.

"Post-it, "Bella demanded.

"Yeah, whatever."I shrugged and posted the picture on Instagram. It didn't take long for the notification to come into my phone after a few thousand likes and comments.

"Happy?"I asked sarcastically.

"Yo, Carter, "Ryan said quickly and repeatedly tapped me on the shoulder.


"Did you pick up the outfit for the photoshoot later?"He asked, "I kinda forgot mine and need to borrow yours."

We had a stupid photoshoot that I was again, forced to be in, and being with them can be super annoying at times but I get paid for the photo shoot,
which is a good thing.


The flashing lights were hard to get used to at first but I learned to manage them after a few months.

"And that's a recess."The photographer said.

"What's up with you?"Brad asked me,
"You seem off the whole day."

I was kinda angry that Bella was controlling me around like a lap dog and thought if all of this was worth it. But as always, at the end of the day,
I kept going back to them.

"I'm just tired, that's it."I shrugged.

I felt calmer when I saw Dylan walking in slowly and he seemed confused as he looked left and right.

"Dylan, "Bella called, "There you are?"

"Why am I here?"Dylan asked.

"You're going to have a makeover and soon a photoshoot."Bella pointed out.


Dylan couldn't finish his sentence as the makeup team surrounded him and lead him somewhere else.

I glared at Bella and Brad did the same to her.

"What do you think you're doing?"I clenched my teeth, "You know that this isn't his kind of thing."

"One photoshoot isn't going to kill him."Bella rolled her eyes.

"This is not cool, Bella," Brad said angrily.

"If the both of you don't like this so much, then there's the front door."She pointed at the door.

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